PeopleAdmin-SelectSuite Resources

Position Management & Applicant Tracking Modules

SelectSuite system is designed to allow users to track the applicant and recruitment process. The Applicant Tracking module streamlines the recruitment process while supporting transparent communication and consistent hiring processes. The Position Management module allows users to modify and manage position descriptions and electronically perform other personnel actions including budget changes, pay changes and requests to advertise.

Red Divider

Performance Management Module

This module is a simple, easy-to-use tool that automates the technical aspects of performance management as well as the facilitation of employees and supervisors to collaborate on performance evaluations, support professional development, and clearly communicate expectations, goals, roles, and responsibilities while maintaining compliance.

Logging in to your Performance Management Portal

PeopleAdmin Landing Page Changes    

Completing the Performance Plan for the Classified Employee

Completing the Performance Plan for the AP Employee

Classified-Probationary Twelve Month Review

Classified-Probationary Six Month Review

Classified-Self Evaluation

AP-Self Evaluation

Classified Evaluation Completed by Supervisor

AP Evaluation Completed by Supervisor