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Forensic Science Institute

  • Dr. Donna Boyd with student conducing research
    RUFSI provides forensic science consulting and peer review for a diverse group of medicolegal entities, including the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, the VOCME (Virginia Office of the Chief Medical Examiner), the District of Columbia OCME, the VSP (Virginia State Police), VDFS (Virginia Department of Forensic Science), and many other national and regional law enforcement agencies;
  • Its faculty have provided board-certified casework consultation (including court testimony) on over 250 death investigation cases, with a specialty in skeletal trauma evaluation and interpretation;
  • It regularly provides professional forensic training to law enforcement agencies;
  • It engages in extensive STEM-centered public outreach education about forensic science;
  • RUFSI faculty provide Emergency Response to disaster in the form of DMORT (U. S. HHS National Disaster Medical System Mortuary Operational Response Team), including deployment to Haiti following the 2010 earthquake;
  • RUFSI faculty play a major role in writing, reviewing, and evaluating new national standards for Forensic Anthropology, serving in executive positions on the Academy Standards Board (ASB) of AAFS (the American Academy of Forensic Sciences Academy Standards Board), and NIST’s OSAC (Organization of Scientific Area Committees—Anthropology division).

RUFSI faculty have produced a voluminous body of nationally recognized research focused on differential mortality, skeletal trauma and bone repair.