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Whether it's in the Amazon Rainforst or the Appalachian Mountains of Virginia, through RARE, Radford University undergraduate researchers connect with nature, learn from local communities, conduct personally-designed projects and contribute to scientific knowledge.

Appalachian Mountains of Virginia

Applications for RARE Amazonia open soon!

There's an adventure of a lifetime waiting and it's RARE. What was once known only as the Radford Amazonian Research Expedition (RARE), has evolved and a new adventure has been added, the Radford Appalachian Research Expedition.

Both research opportunities allow Radford students to feel a deep appreciation for the land and communities where they are studying, and through immersive fieldwork witness the connections of ecosystems and cultures.

Save the Date for RARE Fest 2024

The RARE Fest will be held on September 26, 2024 from 4 to 6 p.m. Learn more about the RARE Fest.

    RARE gave me the chance to learn in a way I never would have from sitting in a classroom. I was able to conduct a research experiment in the most biodiverse region of the world.”

    Luis AriasRARE Amazonian participant