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Courses Taught

BIOL 104  - Human Biology
BIOL 160 - Introductory Seminar in Biology
BIOL 310/311 - Human Structure & Function I and II
BIOL 322 - Human Anatomy and Physiology for Pre-nursing Majors
BIOL 410 - Human Anatomy and Physiology for Science Majors I
BIOL 424 - Human Evolution
BIOL 460 - Advanced Seminar in Biology: Human Evolution; Advanced Human Anatomy; Neandertals; Understanding Behavior in Extinct Animals
BIOL 481 - Advanced Anatomy
HNRS 310 - Honors Seminar


I'm interested in human evolution, especially the evolution of human walking.  I take an experimental approach: by studying the biomechanics of walking in modern human subjects, using three-dimensional movement analysis software, videos, a pressure mat, and other tools, we can make some inferences about the way our ancestors moved.  In the past I have focused on how locomotor biomechanics may have changed over time as the body proportions of our ancestors changed during the last two million years (for example, early species of Homo were tall with narrow bodies and very long legs, whereas Neanderthals were short and wide with short limbs).  I have also done work evaluating the importance of infant carrying in human evolution.  My primary current research involves examining the relationship between structure of the lower limb bones and the stresses placed on the feet during walking in order to evaluate hypotheses about skeletal structure in Homo erectus, an early human ancestor. I am currently developing a research project to study the modifications that people make to their gait when carrying loads on their head.

I work closely with undergraduate students in my research; my goal is to involve them in my own projects but also ultimately for them to come up with their own research questions that they can answer in my lab. I enjoy working with a variety of students on a variety of topics, and my research students have come from diverse majors on campus, including Biology, Anthropological Sciences, Allied Health, Nursing, and Dance.

Please contact me if you are interested in participating in my lab’s research as a volunteer subject or a student scientist!