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Courses Taught

  • BIOL 104 - Human Biology
  • BIOL 105 - Biology for Health Sciences
  • BIOL 310 - Human Anatomy and Physiology I
  • BIOL 351 - Comparative Physiology
  • UNIV 100 - Introduction to University Studies


Medical science has always been my first love and my former research interests have included analyzing how nitric oxide can regulate the formation of endothelical cell re-growth following balloon angioplasty, the role of adaptor molecules plays in T-cell receptor signaling, and the pharmacokinetic properties of extended release forms of thyroid hormone and Adderall.

I am now immersed in the teaching of Anatomy and Physiology.  This is very exciting because the need to train health science professionals is critical because of the health care shortage. I manage the A&P teaching labs and work to develop lab teaching materials.