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Courses Taught

  • BIOL 104 - Human Biology
  • BIOL 215 - Plants and Society
  • BIOL 217 - Flora of Virginia
  • BIOL 481 - Sustainable Gardening


My main interest is the fascinating world of plants! I teach plant-focused courses including Flora of Virginia (fall semester) and Plants and Society (spring semester). I have also taught a Sustainable Gardening course that I look forward to offering again in the future.

In addition to teaching, I manage the Biology Greenhouse on campus. The greenhouse is an educational resource for the Radford University community and beyond. The greenhouse is used for teaching, research, and outreach. We invite visitors to explore the wonderful world of plants! The diverse collection includes plants with medicinal properties, herbs, spices, and fruiting plants, as well as various species with interesting biological aspects such as rapid leaf movement, insectivory, hydrophytic and xerophytic adaptations, and many other amazing plants!