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Naveen Joseph is an Assistant Professor of Geospatial Science at Radford University. He did his Masters in Hydraulics and Water Resources Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, India, and his Ph.D. in Environmental Hydrology and Water Resources from the University of Melbourne, Australia. He also worked at the Idaho Water Resources Research Institute, University of Idaho as a postdoctoral research fellow.

His research interests focus on understanding the interactions among humans, the geospatial environment in which they live, time, and public health. He primarily uses geospatial datasets, statistical tools, and hydrological models to address the water resources issues both at regional and nationwide scales. His research themes include large-scale and catchment-scale water resources modeling and investigating the relationships between environmental contaminants such as pesticides and human health outcomes such as cancer. 

If you are a student interested in these opportunities, please contact him.

Classes: Introduction to Environmental Studies (GEOG 140), Environmental Regulations (GEOS 241), Introduction to GIS (GEOS 250), Water Resources (GEOS 362), Land Use (GEOS 492)

Research Interests: GeoHealth, Water Scarcity, Water Quality Modelling, Environmental Epidemiology.