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I study the assembly of organic molecules on flat metallic surfaces with a technique called Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM).  STM uses quantum mechanical principles to image surfaces down to the atomic level. 


  • S.M. Huston, J. Wang, T. McAfee, M. Loth, J.E. Anthony, H.W. Ade, B.R. Conrad, and D.B. Dougherty, Disruption of Molecular Ordering over Several Layers near the Au/2,8-Difluoro-5,11-bis(triethylsilylethynyl) Anthradithiophene Interface, Cryst. Growth Des. 15, 822 (2015).
  • A.M. Zeidell, N.D. Cox, S.M. Huston, J.E. Rossi, B.J. Landi, and B.R. Conrad, Cyclopentadienyliron dicarbonyl dimer carbon nanotube synthesis, J. Vac. Sci. Tech. B 33, 011204 (2015).
  • S.M. Huston, J. Wang, M. Loth, J.E. Anthony, B.R. Conrad, and D.B. Dougherty, Role of Fluorine Interactions in the Self-Assembly of a   Functionalized Anthradithiophene Monolayer on Au(111), J. Phys. Chem. C 116, 21465 (2012).


  • Ashworth, C.F.; Blackwell, T.D.; Fuhrer, T.J.; Pearl, T.P.; Huston, S.M. “Temperature Dependent Self-Assembly of 9,10-dibromo-anthracene on Ag(111),” American Physical Society. Boston, MA.  March 2019. 
  • Ashworth, C.; Blackwell, T.; Fuhrer, T.J; Huston, S.M. “Temperature Dependence of Dibromoanthracene Thin Film Growth,” 6th Annual Radford University Summer Research Celebration. Radford, VA. October 2018. 
  • Phelps-Durr, T.L.; Taylor, B.E.; Rogers, J.O.; Mekolichick-Jakoubek, J.; Herman, R.B.; Huston, S.M.; Freed, M.S.; Anderson, J.R.; Small, C.J.; Sheehy, R.R.; Redmond, S.B.; Wojdak, J.M. “Adding Undergraduate Research in a Backwards-Designed Curriculum,” CUR Biennial 2018. Arlington, VA. July 2018.
  • Blackwell, T.; Ashworth, C.; Huston, S.M. “Temperature Dependent Self-Assembly of 9,10-dibromo-anthracene on Ag(111),” Radford University Student Engagement Forum. Radford, VA. April 2018. 
  • Blackwell, T.; Ashworth, C.; Huston, S.M. “Ultra-High Vacuum Scanning Tunneling Microscopy for Surface Science Investigations,” Center for the Sciences Open House. Radford, VA. February 2017. 
  • Racinet, J.-F.; Huston, S.M. “Development and Testing of a Scanning Tunneling Microscope for use in Ultra-High Vacuum,” 3rd Annual Radford University Summer Research Celebration. Radford, VA. September 2015.     
  • Conrad, B.R.; Bougher, C.; Huston, S.; Ward, J.; Obaid, A.; Loth, M.; Anthony, J.; Jurchescu, O. “Atmospheric Effects on diF-TESADT Thin-Film Transistors,” American Physical Society. San Antonio, TX.  March 2015.
  •  Ashley, J.M.; Weidlich, K.T.; Huston, S.M. “Construction and Operating Principles of an Ultra-High Vacuum Cryogenic Scanning Tunneling Microscope,” Radford University Student Engagement Forum. Radford, VA. April 2014.
  • Bougher, C.; Huston, S.; Ward, J.; Obaid, A.; Loth, M.; Anthony, J.; Jurchescu, O.; Conrad, B. “Scanned Probe Characterization of Atmospheric Effects on diF-TESADT Thin-Film Transistors,” American Physical Society. Denver, CO.  March 2014.
  • Huston, S.M.; Wang, J.; Loth, M.; Anthony, J.E.; Conrad, B.R.; Dougherty, D.B. “Elucidation of the initial to multilayer growth transition of diF-TES-ADT/Au(111) with molecular resolution imaging of bilayer and trilayer films,” Physical Electronics Conference.  Raleigh, NC.  June 2013.
  • Bougher, C.; Huston, S.M.; Ward, J.W.; Obaid, A.; Loth, M.A.; Anthony, J.E.; Jurchescu, O.D.; Conrad, B.R. “Atmospheric Dopant Effects on Grain Boundaries in diF TESADT Thin-Film Transistors,” Physical Electronics Conference.  Raleigh, NC.  June 2013.
  • Huston, S.; Wang, J.; Loth, M.; Anthony, J.; Conrad, B.; Dougherty, D. “Scanning Tunneling Microscopy investigation of multilayer diF-TES-ADT on Au(111),” American Physical Society.  Baltimore, MD.  March 2013.
  • Conrad, B.; Huston, S.; Wang, J.; Loth, M.; Anthony, J.; Dougherty, D. “Self-assembly of functionalized anthradithiophene on Au(111),” American Physical Society.  Baltimore, MD.  March 2013.
  • Bougher, C.; Huston, S.M.; Ward, J.W.; Obaid, A.; Loth, M.A.; Anthony, J.E.; Jurchescu, O.D.; Conrad, B.R.  “Doping of Grain Boundaries in diF TESADT Transistors,” American Physical Society.  Baltimore, MD.  March 2013.
  • Zeidell, A.; Huston, S.; Cox, N.; Landi, B.; Coffey, T.; Russell, P.; Conrad, B. “Characterization of carbon nanotubes synthesized using chemical vapor deposition,” American Physical Society.  Baltimore, MD.  March 2013.
  • Huston, S.; Wang, J.; Loth, M.; Anthony, J.; Conrad, B.; Dougherty, D. “Role of fluorine interactions in the self-assembly of a functionalized anthradithiophene on Au(111),” NE Regional Meeting American Chemical Society.  Rochester, NY.  October 2012.       
  • Bougher, C.; Huston, S.; Ward, J.; Obaid, A.; Loth, M.; Anthony, J.; Jurchescu, O.; Conrad, B. “Dopant effects on grain boundaries in diF-TES-ADT thin film transistors,” NE Regional Meeting American Chemical Society.  Rochester, NY.  October 2012.
  • Huston, S.; Wang, J.; Loth, M.; Anthony, J.; Conrad, B.; Dougherty, D. “Scanning Tunneling Microscopy investigation of the assembly of diF-TES-ADT on Au(111),” American Physical Society.  Boston, MA.  March 2012.
  • Bougher, C.; Huston, S.; Lees, E.; Ward, J.; Obaid, A.; Loth, M.; Anthony, J.; Jurchescu, O.; Conrad, B. “Grain Boundaries in Thin Film Organic Semiconductors,” American Physical Society.  Boston, MA.  March 2012.
  • Huston, S.M.; Port, R.T., Luo, P.; Pearl, T.P. “Measurement of the interaction force necessary to displace pentacene layers on Ag(111),” Materials Research Society.  Boston, MA.  December 2009.
  • Huston, S.M.; Port, R.T.; Andrews, K.M.; Pearl, T.P. “Besocke style quartz tuning fork FM-AFM/STM for use in UHV and low temperatures,” NC-AFM 2009.  New Haven, CT.  August 2009.
  • Port, R.T.; Huston, S.M.; Pearl, T.P. “Combination FM-AFM and STM microscope built for operation in UHV and low temperatures,” NCSU Undergraduate Research Symposium. Raleigh, NC.  August 2009.
  • Geisler, H.; Powell, L.; Huston, S.M.; Sweeney, T.M.; Borst, D.; Ventrice, C.A., Jr. “Geometric and Electronic Structure of Self-Assembled Monolayers Grown on Noble Metal Substrates: Dodecanethiol on Au, Ag, Cu, and Pt,” American Physical Society.  Baltimore, MD.  March, 2006.
  • Sweeney, T.M.; Burst, J.M.; Robbert, P.S.; Hobson, J.W.; Huston, S.M.; Ventrice, C.A. Jr.; Hayes, B.; Geisler, H. “Geometric and Electronic Structure of Self-Assembled Monolayers on Noble Metal Surfaces: Dodecanethiol on Au, Ag, and Pt,” American Vacuum Society.  Boston, MA.  November 2005.
  • Sweeney, T.M.; Robbert, P.S.; Hobson, J.W.; Huston, S.M.; Ventrice, C.A. Jr.; Geisler, H. “Low Energy Electron Diffraction and Photoemission Study of Dodecanethiol on Pt(111) and Pt(100),” American Physical Society.  Los Angeles, CA.  March 2005.