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Teaching and research interests: political communication.

Scott Dunn earned his Bachelor's degree and M.A .at Virginia Tech, and his Ph. D at the University of North Carolina. He served as the Graduate Coordinator for our graduate program for two years. Scott Dunn also serves as the Faculty Senate representative for the School of Communication. His current research focuses on political engagement among college students.

Publications and Research

Tedesco, J. C., Dunn, S. W. (2013). Political Advertising in the 2012 U.S. Presidential Election. In Robert E. Denton, Jr. (Ed.), The 2012 Presidential Campaign: A Communication Perspective (pp. 77-96). Lanham, CT: Rowman & Littlefield.

Dunn, S. W., Tyler, J. A. (in press). Resisting Pluralism: Evangelical Media Framing of the Role of Faith in American Politics. In Mark Ward (Ed.), The Electronic Church in the Digital Age: Cultural Impacts of Evangelical Mass Media (vol. 2, pp. Chapter 13). Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger.

Collier, J. E., Dunn, S. W. (2014). Candidates as Brands: Examining College Students’ Perceptions of Political Candidate’s Brand Identities Using Traditional and Projective Qualitative Techniques. Florida Communication Association, 42(1), 33-43.

Dunn, S. W., Butler, S., Meeks, K., Collier, J. E. (in press). Rockin’ the Gubernatorial Vote?:  Young People’s Normative Democratic Attitudes and Behaviors in a Low-Involvement Election. Communication Quarterly,Taylor & Francis, forthcoming.

Turner, M. R., Dunn, S. W. (2015). “It’s No Vacation: Assessing Learning Objectives in Study Abroad Programs.”. Conference on Higher Education Pedagogy Proceedings (pp. 125). Blacksburg, Virginia: Conference on Higher Education Pedagogy.