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Dan King earned his doctorate in K-12 education administration at Wayne State University.  After having served as a high school band director and high school principal, he began a 40+ year career as an education faculty member and college/university administrator. 

King has authored/coauthored a book chapter, four technical reports, and over 50 papers which have been published or presented in scholarly forums.  He has been principal or co-principal investigator on funded grants and research projects totaling over $5 million.

He has functioned as a strategic planning and organizational change consultant to public schools & school districts, colleges & universities, and governmental & civic groups.  During the period of 1985-92 he worked as a professional development training consultant for the National Association of Secondary School Principals, during which time he provided leadership assessment and professional development training for over 3000 high school principals.

King served a three-year term on the Wyoming Professional Teaching Standards Board. He has received service recognitions from the Arkansas Association of Colleges for Teacher Education, the National Association of Secondary School Principals, the Wyoming Association for Teacher Education, and both the Arkansas and Wyoming State Committees of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools.