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Headshot of Melissa Lisanti

Lisanti’s interests include professional learning in education, discourse, inclusive practice, and universally accessible curriculum and instructional design.  She is currently President-Elect for Learning Forward Virginia, a professional association that connects leaders in professional learning for educators around the state. She teaches classes in instructional methods for language arts and social studies and mentors pre-service teachers, allowing her to integrate all of her experiences and the things she loves most. Lisanti has been published in Social Studies and the Young Learner, Social Studies Research and Practice, Theory & Research in Social Education, and Information Technology in Childhood Education Annual. She also has several chapters in books.

Lisanti has had the privilege of working in public school and university settings in education for over 15 years.  Prior to joining the faculty at Radford University, she earned a National Board for Professional Teaching certification, served as a project coordinator for various K-12 professional development grants, and mentored pre-service and new teachers in the field.  Most recently, her work as a Project Coordinator for the Virginia Department of Education Training and Technical Assistance Center at Radford University afforded her diverse opportunities to work with school leaders, teachers, and students throughout southwest Virginia to enrich opportunities for students with disabilities.