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Headshot of Tricia Easterling

Tricia Easterling currently teaches the introductory methods course for students in five different programs. A high priority for Easterling is to have students design instruction that is easy to follow and helps students make connections on their own. It is her belief that if students can figure information out on their own, they will feel successful and will likely want to continue learning. She strives to provide students with authentic experiences that mirror what occurs in successful area classrooms. Easterling has published on various topics including critical thinking, classroom management, and contemplative practices in academic settings. Her current research efforts include working collaboratively with undergraduate students on anxiety, depression and perfectionism on the college campus. 

Easterling was an environmental educator for the State of Tennessee for seven years. As an environmental educator, she taught in 32 school districts and enjoyed entertaining and educating students ranging from pre-school through college. Her teaching experiences range from large urban systems like Tampa, FL, which included many diverse cultures, to smaller, rural school systems.