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With support from a $100,000 grant on behalf of the Virginia Talent + Opportunity Partnership (V-TOP), Radford University is launching the Highlander Works Grant Program to support student participation in work-based learning opportunities.

The Highlander Works Grant Program will assist students in covering cost-of-living expenses incurred when participating in for-credit internships. By meeting needs such as transportation assistance, purchase of professional attire or uniforms, housing costs or other necessary expenses, the Highlander Works Grant Program assures that students can focus on making the most of valuable pre-professional experiences.

“Each year, our students forego valuable internship opportunities for various reasons including unpaid or underpaid internships, need for housing stipends, or steep travel costs,” said Jeanne Mekolichick, associate provost for research, faculty, success, and strategic initiatives at Radford University. “This grant will create more opportunity for students to participate in these career-enhancing experiences.”

When cost-of-living needs are met, students stand to benefit from the positive relationship between internship participation and professional skill development, employability and career retention.

“The Highlander Works Grant Program is a ‘game changer’ for our students to participate in high-impact, work-based internship opportunities which will help them become career and life ready, and even more competitive for the national marketplace of jobs,” said Lee Svete, Radford’s director of career and talent development. “With this uniquely funded program, our students can dream big and accomplish big things.”

On Feb. 29, the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV) announced one-year grants of $100,000 each for 12 public four-year institutions to help remove barriers to internships and work-based learning opportunities.

“We value the commitment made by SCHEV and V-TOP to support student success in work-based learning opportunities, which will develop quality talent that drives Virginia’s economy forward,” Radford University President Bret Danilowicz said. “The Highlander Works Grant Program is one more avenue for our students to take full advantage of valuable internship opportunities and develop as the next generation of difference-makers across the commonwealth.”

Degree-seeking students currently enrolled full-time at Radford University are eligible to apply for the Highlander Works Grant Program. Full program qualifications can be found at the Highlander Works Grant Program website. The Highlander Works Grant Program is managed by the university’s Center for Career and Talent Development Office.

V-TOP is administered by SCHEV in partnership with the Virginia Chamber of Commerce Foundation and the Virginia Business Higher Education Council.