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ANSC 301

ANSC 301: Principles of Archaeology (GE)

Credit Hours: (4) Three hours lecture; two hours laboratory

This course considers the methods and theories that archaeologists use to interpret past life-ways of prehistoric and historic human cultures. Case studies of past cultures are also discussed to provide current information on these cultures and to serve as examples of archaeological research. The lab component will focus on giving students hands-on experience in basic field and laboratory methods in archaeology. 

Note(s): General Education and Scientific and Quantitative Reasoning designated course. Students cannot receive credit for both ANTH 122 and ANSC 301.

Detailed Description of Content of Course

The major areas of archaeology covered in this course include the following:

  1. the history and development of archaeological theories and methods
  2. archaeological ethics and cultural resource management
  3. archaeological dating techniques--stratigraphy, typology, absolute dating
  4. analysis of material culture (artifacts), subsistence, and settlement patterns
  5. modeling past lifeways
  6. case studies in prehistoric archaeology that illustrate key principles of archaeology

The laboratory component of the course will provide training and experience in the following areas:

  1. basic stratigraphic analysis
  2. basic field techniques, including:
            i. appropriate excavation strategies
            ii. use of detailed forms and documentation
            iii. simple mapping and survey techniques.
  3. basic description and analysis of artifacts using teaching collections.
  4. data coding for computer information systems.
  5. basic data analysis using case study exercises comprised of real archaeological data

Detailed Description of Conduct of Course

The course is taught through the use of slide-illustrated lectures, films, and hands-on experience, using information from texts as well as the instructor's own research experience. Numerous case studies of actual archaeological excavations and research projects are discussed in order to illustrate the application of archaeological method and theory to specific research problems. Whenever possible, students will participate in actual archaeology projects being supervised by the RU faculty in the local region.
The laboratory component of the class will be conducted in a variety of ways throughout the semester. Some laboratory sessions will focus on students working together through written exercises on different topics, including stratigraphic analysis and interpretation of case study data. However, the majority of lab sessions will be devoted to hands-on training in basic field and laboratory techniques.

Goals and Objectives of the Course

This course serves as the introduction to the Anthropological Sciences and thus to the biocultural origin and evolution of the human species and human societies worldwide. It includes a survey of human and nonhuman primate evolution and prehistory (including the methods and theories used by anthropologists to illuminate these subjects) and the emergence of fully modern humans in terms of their behavior and culture. The more recent evolution of societies as diverse as small-scale hunter-gatherers to more complex civilizations is also considered in the context of the biocultural factors that have shaped their development. Finally, students will be introduced to the range of modern applications in anthropological sciences, ranging from cultural resource management to forensic investigation. 

Note(s): This course has been approved for credit in the Social and Behavioral Sciences Area of the Core Curriculum. General Education and Scientific and Quantitative Reasoning designated course.

Student successfully completing ANSC 301 will:

  1. demonstrate an understanding of the wide range of methods and theories used in modern archaeology.
  2. be able to perform basic archaeological field skills sufficient to make them productive members of an actual archaeological project.
  3. be able to perform a variety of laboratory analytical techniques, including basic ceramic and lithic analysis.
  4. be familiar with a variety of archaeological case studies that demonstrate the utility of many of the methods and theories used in class.
  5. will gain a greater awareness of, and appreciation for, past cultures.
  6. will be familiar with the legal and ethical standards of modern archaeology

Assessment Measures

Students will be evaluated through in-class examinations with both objective and written sections and at least one paper, to be written outside of class.

Lab activities will account for at least 25% of students' grades in ANSC 301. Because the function of the lab is learning through hands-on experience, attendance and active participation will be included in assessment. Lab exercises and activities will be completed and graded each week, ensuring that students are progressing.

Review and Approval
December, 2009
Revised: June 15, 2015; August 2021; June 2023