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APST 698

APST 698: Directed Study

Credit Hours: (1-6)
Prerequisite:  None                                                       

Directed Study courses are offered by several departments and are designed to permit students to investigate independently specific problems or areas of interest under the direction of a faculty advisor. A Directed Study course must be approved by the appropriate department chairperson prior to the deadline for adding courses in the term in which the study is to be undertaken.

Note(s): No student may apply more than six hours of credit for Directed Study toward graduation requirements.


Detailed Description of Course

A proposal for a Directed Study must include a description of the course as the student and faculty adviser have conceived it. Primary and secondary sources of reading should be listed, as well as other kinds of resources to be used by the student, such as videotapes, field research or recordings, and archival holdings. Details should be provided about the kinds and purposes of writing assignments, field study and collecting, other projects and performances that may be part of the study.


Detailed Description of Conduct of Course

A proposal for a Directed Study must include a description of how the course will be carried out. The plan should outline the work schedule of the student and the kinds of meetings and other interactions between student and faculty adviser. If other resource people or informants are key elements in the study, the purpose and plan of interactions with them should also be given.


Goals and Objectives of the Course 

A proposal for a Directed Study must include a description of the course's goals and objectives, which should reflect what the student will know and/or be able to do as a result of the course. These will vary according to topic and procedure and may focus on both content and process.


Assessment Measures  

A proposal for a Directed Study must include a plan for evaluating the student's performance. The assessment activities must be designed to measure student outcomes in the course. Procedures will vary depending on content and process of the study.  Courses will be graded A-F.


Other Course Information 

A proposal for a Directed Study must not repeat the content of regularly offered courses. The purpose is to offer the student an opportunity to explore areas not available under the aegis of established courses.


Review and Approval
March 2007