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AHPT 868

AHPT 868: Research/ Scientific Inquiry II
Prerequisite: AHPT 829 or permission of the Department
Credit Hours: (2)

Research/ Scientific Inquiry II is the second in a sequence of research-based courses. The course will explore the concepts, problems, needs, and issues involved in conducting and evaluating research in physical therapy with an emphasis on the application and interpretation of statistical analyses.

Detailed Description of Course

This course is the second in a sequence of research-based courses. The course will explore the concepts, problems, needs, and issues involved in conducting and evaluating research in physical therapy. The nature, relevance, and application of qualitative and quantitative statistical analyses will be examined as they relate to research designs.  Assessment of interventions relevant to evidence-based practice will be emphasized. Students will demonstrate competencies in preparation for a scholarly capstone project as part the requirements for graduation.    

Detailed Description of Conduct of Course

Course content may be presented by lecture, small group discussion, student oral presentations, written examinations, and written class assignments.

Goals and Objectives of this Course

May require students to:

1) Define the basic terms of measurement theory; 2) Evaluate the basic requirements of measurement: data type, reliability validity, sensitivity specificity, reference norms, calibration, standardization; 3) Apply the different types of reliability: internal-consistency, intrarater reliability, interrater reliability, and test-retest reliability; 5) Describe the applications of the different types of validity: face validity, content validity, criterion-related validity (concurrent and predictive), and construct validity; 6) Describe the use of credibility, transferability, dependability, and confirmability in establishing trustworthiness of naturalistic research designs; 7)   Be able to apply reference norms in the interpretation of data; 8) Outline the principles of calibration in instrumentation; 9) Perform instrument calibration; 10) Outline the purpose of population sampling in terms of bias, statistical analysis, and generalizing findings; 11) Discuss the different types of systematic sampling and the strengths/weaknesses of random sampling, systematic sampling, and stratified sampling; 12) Discuss the common nonsystematic sampling techniques and their strengths/weaknesses: disproportional sampling, cluster sampling, convenience sampling, quota sampling, purposive sampling, and snowball sampling; 13) Define false positives from the perspective of population distributions; 14) Describe the coding techniques for qualitative data; 15) Describe and conduct common parametric statistics tests when they are appropriate for use (e.g,, t-tests, the analysis of variance, post-hoc comparisons, simple and multiple linear regression, logistic regression, multivariate analysis of variance, and factor analysis; 16) Describe and conduct the common non-parametric statistical tests when they are appropriate for use (e.g., the Sign Test, Wilcoxon Signed-Ranks Test, Mann-Whitney U, Kruskal-Wallis H;  Friedman test; and Chi-square tests of independence and association; 17) Identify clinically significant outcomes; 18) Understand the relationship among sample size, effect size, and probability level when determining the power of a study. 19) Become adept with the software used to conduct statistical analysis.

Assessment Measures

May include but are not limited to:

Examinations, written article critiques, research article presentations, and submission of a written research proposal

Other Course Information


Review and Approval

February 10, 2014