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ARTE 213

ARTE 213: 3-D Media, Materials, and Techniques for the Classroom

Prerequisite: Sophomore standing for Art Ed majors; prerequisite may be waived for education majors outside the visual arts department.

Credit Hours: (3) Two hours lecture; two hours laboratory. (3-D)

Demonstrations, exercises, studio projects, which explore the elements and principles of design and media and techniques used in the production of three-dimensional art for the future classroom practitioner.

Detailed Description of Content of Course

Art 213 is a competency-based course that surveys the media and techniques used in sculpture, ceramics, crafts and fabrics. To succeed in the course a student must acquire and demonstrate skills/competencies/intellectual concepts associated with the production and critical assessment of the following:

• Additive sculpture
• Subtractive sculpture
• Cast sculpture
• Fabrication techniques/materials
• Safety
• Ceramic materials
• Ceramic techniques
• Ceramic technology
• Safety
• Craft materials
• Techniques (forming/joining/finishing)
• Safety
• Weaving processes
• Decorative surface techniques
• Safety

In general, the course is to provide information about three-dimensional art production techniques so that a student can develop the potential for intelligent appreciation and understanding of art making, to provide hands-on experience with art making so that a student can develop the beginning skills for making effective expressive art in three-dimensions, and to develop and sharpen a student's ability to make analyses and evaluations of three-dimensional art based on defensible criteria, and to practice reflection on the aesthetic experiencing of artwork.

Detailed Description of Conduct of Course

Three to five week sessions will be set aside for each of the major areas. Lectures, slide presentations, demonstrations and assigned research are some of the methods the teacher will use to introduce concepts, terms, media, and technical procedures, but most class instruction will be received through supervised studio experiences.

A notebook, examination or outside research paper may be assigned to cover material deemed less manipulative in nature or requiring equipment not readily available.

To form the habit of perceiving, thinking about and using three-dimensional concepts, a student will be given regularly scheduled out-of-class assignments which put to use the conceptual and manipulative skills taught in class.

Goals and Objectives of the Course

Upon the satisfactory completion of this course a student should be able to perform three-dimensional art production tasks, explain three-dimensional art production techniques and critique three-dimensional art works (in a variety of media) using defensible criteria, and verbalize his/her aesthetic experience of a work of art.

Assessment Measures

As stated above, Art 213 is a competency based course. Some of the methods used to assist students in acquiring competencies are:

• Sculpture problems in clay, plaster, wood and wire.
• Problems involving ceramic hand-building and decoration techniques.
• Problems involving hand weaving processes.
• Written research assignments.
• A comprehensive notebook of vocabulary, artists, technical information and procedures.
• Written and oral assignments in criticism and aesthetics.

A student's work in these areas will demonstrate his level of performance.

Other Course Information

It is apparent that a student will be working with many different types of materials and techniques during this course. A complete toolbox of all the tools and materials needed if this were to be a "high tech" course would be prohibitively expensive. Art 213 assumes that basic techniques and materials may be explored with a minimum of equipment and the fundamental integrity of the learning experience will not be comprised.
The student will be expected to demonstrate knowledge of studio safety, work cooperatively with other students in the class, and be courteous.

Review and Approval

October 2, 2012

January 25, 2007 Arthur Jones, Chair