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ARTS 411

ARTS 411: Drawing III (2-D)

Prerequisites: ARTS 311

Credit Hours: (3) One hour lecture, demonstration or critique; three hours studio. (2-D)

Builds upon the fundamental competencies acquired in ARTS 111 and ARTS 311 by developing drawing behaviors of a more expressive nature and higher technical level.

Note(s): May be taken multiple times for credit.


Detailed Description of Course Content

Drawing is not a body of knowledge to be learned but an on-going creative activity that must be continually practiced and honed. Art 405 provides experiences that develop assurance, competence and originality in drawing.
This course will permit the student to sharpen his/her ability to perceive and manifest gestural, structural and tonal essentials of visual phenomena, and to organize and manipulate visual form within the boundaries of the drawing page for specific expressive purpose.

Primary subject of study is the human figure.
• The student will be encouraged to develop philosophical concepts regarding his/her work and seek ways to achieve richer expressive content in his/her drawings.
• The student will be given related research/drawing assignments that provide knowledge about and develop competence in a variety of drawing media.
• The student will become aware of expressive potentials and develop critical skills.

Detailed Description of Conduct of Course

1. Lecture and Demonstrations

Brief lectures will introduce the concepts and techniques to be dealt with by the student in the studio. During classroom exercises the teacher will be present to provide on-going critiques and demonstrations as drawings progress. The student will be expected to informally critique, whenever asked, his/her own work as well as the work of others and to formally critique work at the final exam meeting.

2. Studio Experiences

Through assigned problems the student will practice skills that enlarge vision, empathy, imagination, and formal means. Students will make drawings of still-lifes, nude models, draped models, interiors, and landscapes.
Periodically, the student will be expected to develop drawings without assistance from the instructor.

Goals and Objectives of the Course

Upon satisfactory completion of Art 405, the student will demonstrate the ability to:

1). graphically convey the gestural, structural, and tonal essentials of visual phenomena.
2). organize and manipulate two-dimensional visual form to convey perceptions, feelings, and emotions within the boundaries of the drawing page.
3). critique in a constructive manner his/her work and the work of others.
4). conceive of relationships between subjects which do not occur in the actual, immediate visual environment.

Assessment Measures

Evaluation of student development within the objectives of the course will be determined by a review and analysis of the students in class drawings, homework, critiques, skills and class attendance.

Other Course Information


Review and Approval

October 2, 2012

March 25, 2005 Reviewed by Steve Arbury, Chair