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ART 100

ART 100
Art Appreciation

1. Catalog Entry

ART 100
Art Appreciation

Credit hours (3)
This course is designed to expand students’ awareness and appreciation of art in historical and practical terms.

2. Detailed Description of Course

Direct experience with media such as drawing and painting, and activities which may involve the recreation of a famous work of art or museum visits may be included. Artistic ability is not the focus; rather familiarity with artistic media and the development of one’s understanding of how materials affect art works are important. Offered in many sections, some instructors may emphasize historical issues to a greater extent while others emphasize creative production. In all cases, the content spans the history of art, from cave painting up to the present.
3. Detailed Description of Conduct of Course

Practical hands-on experience with a variety of artistic media may be combined with historical studies of art through the ages. The course combines lecture, film, and other approaches to experiencing art works.

Multiple sections of this course are offered each semester. Class size is generally about 60 students per section. Sections are taught by studio art faculty and graduate students with teaching fellowships. No prerequisites exist; students in any major, except for art, may take this.  An online section is also offered each semester with a larger enrollment than the face-to-face sections. The online version uses PowerPoint lectures and online discussions to replace in-class lectures and discussions.
4. Goals and Objectives of the Course

Students will identify and evaluate ways in which the visual and performing arts reflect and communicate aspects of the human experience.

To meet this goal, students will:
    1) Evaluate works of art using the medium’s distinctive language and syntax
    2) Identify the relationship between works of art and specific historical, cultural, and social contexts.

5. Assessment Measures

Class participation, tests in class, and written analyses of art works in exhibitions may all contribute to the grade.

6. Other Course Information


Review and Approval

March 25, 2005

October 2, 2012

June 20, 2015