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ART 488

Art 488: Final Honors Project

Prerequisite: Enrollment in the Honors Academy, completion of all other Honors Academy requirements, major in art, senior standing at beginning of semester in which project is to be completed, a minimum 3.5 GPA overall and in art.

Credit Hours: (3)

This project and the topic to be explored will be determined by the student, the faculty member with whom the student works and the student’s major program area. (Honors project may be a written or performance-based project.) In order to receive honors credit, a student must earn a grade of “A” or “B” for the final project.

Note(s): Course may not be repeated or retaken.


Detailed Description of Content of Course

This course builds upon the skills developed in the Honors Academy and in the Art Department. The student determines his or her own objectives and probable problem-solving strategies to be explored during the course. The completed project must demonstrate the student's ability to cope successfully with:

1. the development of a visual project of a high level of technical and artistic sophistication or the development of a written project of a high level of research technique and rhetorical skill.
2. the presentation of the project in a professional manner, possibly at the Undergraduate Forum.
3. the development of a working diary that details the artistic/rhetorical, expressive/analytical, and technical problems encountered during active involvement with the project, and the manner or form of the solutions to them.


Detailed Description of Conduct of Course

After informal discussion among department liaison to the Honors Academy, faculty member, and student, the student will submit a detailed proposal to the faculty member, (following the approved Honors Academy format for departmental 488H).

The faculty member's signature with date will indicate his or her approval and willingness to work with the student and to evaluate the student's work.

This proposal will comprise self-directed course objectives.

The faculty member's task is to provide guidance on developing the rhetorical/artistic potential of student's study, guidance on overcoming technical obstacles, guidance on realizing the student's personal vision, and final assessment of the student's performance within the course.


Goals and Objectives of the Course

To succeed in the course the student must demonstrate:

1. The ability to verbally describe general academic goals for Art 488H Honors Project experience.
2. The ability to verbally describe specific artistic/rhetorical and expressive/analytical objectives for the Honors Project.
3. The ability to formulate and apply methods for accomplishing self-directed goals.
4. The ability to communicate (rhetorically and/or artistically) facts/perceptions, insights and experiences clearly and accurately.


Assessment Measures

The student's final project, its presentation, and the working diary describing the project's development will demonstrate the student's level of performance within Art 488H.


Other Course Information

No student may graduate from the Honors Academy who does not earn at least a "B" on this project.


Review and Approval

March 25, 2005 Reviewed by Steve Arbury, Chair