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ART 601

ART 601: Seminar in Art History

Prerequisites: Graduate status and 12 hours of art history at the undergraduate level or approval of the instructor

Credit Hours: (3) Three hours discussion, research, field assignments

Study and critical interpretation of a period/movement in art history with particular emphasis on contemporary social, political and technological influences.

Note(s): May be taken again for credit.


Description of the Conduct of the Course

This is a lecture/discussion course. Slides of the art under discussion will be projected onto a large screen to provide all students with a clear visual image of each work of art. An occasional film will be shown to allow a more in-depth study of a specific topic.

Students are expected to attend class. By accepting admission to Radford University, each student makes a commitment to understand, support, and abide by the University Honor Code without compromise or exception. Violations of academic integrity will not be tolerated. This class will be conducted in strict observance of the Honor Code. Students are referred to the Student Handbook for details.


Goals and Objectives of the Course

At the conclusion of this course, the student will be able to:


1. discuss a specific art topic.
2. conduct scholarly research.
3. write a formal research paper.


Assessment Measures

The final grade is based upon a research paper and presentation. In addition, a midterm exam, short essays and a final exam might be required. There are no make-ups. If the student does not take a quiz or exam, or give a presentation, he or she will receive a grade of zero. The midterm and final exam will consist of slide identification, short answer, multiple choice, fill-in-the-blank, and one or more essay questions on a single work of art or a comparison of two works of art.


Other Course Information

There are no extra credit options for this course.

If the student has a learning disability recognized by the Disabled Student Services Office at Radford University, he or she should advise the professor of the nature of the disability during the first week of class.

Tape recording of class lectures is not permitted unless the student has a learning disability recognized by Radford University and the professor receives a formal request from the Disabled Student Services Office. At his or her discretion, the professor may allow tape recording under other special circumstances.


Review and Approval

March 1999 Revision Arthur Jones, Chair