I. Course Title: Introduction to Astrophysics (GE)
II. Course Number: ASTR 220
III. Credit Hours: 3 credits
IV. Prerequisites: MATH 138 or MATH 168 or a passing score on a placement test approved by the department.
V. Course Description:
An algebra-based introduction to the fundamental methods used in astrophysics to investigate the cosmos. Lectures provide a general overview of the major disciplines found in astronomy and explore the ongoing developments in the field.
Note(s): General Education and Scientific and Quantitative Reasoning designated course. Students cannot receive credit for ASTR 220 if they have already received credit for ASTR 111, ASTR 112, or ASTR 120.
VI. Detailed Description of Content of the Course:
VI. Detailed Description of Conduct of Course:
This algebra-based course will deliver content mainly by lecture and does not contain a lab component. Time in class will be set aside for students to practice solving problems and working through worksheets that test for conceptual understanding of the course material.
VII. Goals and Objectives of the Course:
VIII. Assessment Measures:
Student’s learning will be formally assessed with the use of quizzes, homework, mid-term exams, and final exam. Worksheets and class discussions will be employed as in-class activities to promote active learning in the classroom and to assess student’s progress informally.
Review and Approval
August 2020
March 01, 2021