ASTR 422: Galactic Astronomy and Cosmology
Prerequisite: ASTR 112 or ASTR 220, MATH 172, PHYS 222
Credit Hours: (3)
Application of astronomical concepts and techniques to the structure and evolution of galaxies and other large-scale structures; cosmology, including the origin and evolution of our universe.
Note(s): Scientific and Quantitative Reasoning designated course.
Detailed Description of Content of Course
The course studies the origin, evolution, and current state both of large structures such as galaxies, quasars and nebulae, as well as that of our entire universe. The specific topics to be covered include:
The latest data and images related to these topics will be analyzed by students.
Detailed Description of Conduct of Course
This course will employ both descriptive methods and quantitative analysis of images and data from NASA, the Hubble Space Telescope Science Institute and other space-related agencies. Numerous applications of Newton’s Law of Gravitation as well as Kepler’s Third Law of Orbital Mechanics will be studied. The basic principles of astronomy will be applied to large structures within the universe and the universe as a whole. The course has no formal laboratory associated with it, but a few laboratory activities—including both observational and computer-based labs—will be assigned for classwork and for homework.
Goals and Objectives of the Course
The student learning goals for the course are:
Assessment Measures
Assessment of student achievement is accomplished by traditional tests, occasional short quizzes, and the final examination. Other evaluation methods may include laboratory-based reports, reading reports, and oral presentations. In addition, telescopic observational projects may be assigned and graded. Numerous sources of information on the planetary sciences are given in the course bibliography as well as throughout the course.
Other Course Information
Review and Approval
September 2001 Review Walter S. Jaronski, Chair
March 01, 2021