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BIOL 181

Biology 181: Special Topics in Introductory Biology

Prerequisites: Declared biology major and permission of the instructor

Credit Hours: (1-4), to be determined each time course is offered

An experimental course testing alternate pedagogies in introductory biology teaching. A course outline will be available each time the course is offered. Interested students should consult department chairperson for information about registering.  May be taken more than once for credit if the topics are different.


Detailed Description of Course Content

Will vary depending on the nature of the proposed course.  

Detailed Description of Conduct of Course

Course may be run as a seminar (1-2 credits), lecture-only (3 credits), or lecture/lab (4 credits). In each case, details of the conduct of the course will vary with the instructor and the course, and will be subject to approval by the Department.


Goals and Objectives of the Course

 The goals and objectives will vary each time the course is taught, but will generally overlap goals and objectives of current introductory courses so that success in meeting those goals and objectives can be compared.

Assessment Measures

Assessment measures will vary with the instructor and the topic.

Other Course Information

1. Transcripts will show course topic (e.g., "Special Topics: Evolution")

2. Course outlines will be approved by the Biology Department before the courses are offered.

3. Special Topics in Introductory Biology courses may substitute for required introductory biology courses or may count as electives with approval of the Biology Department, as determined in each case.

Review and Approval
