I. Course Title: Human Evolution
II. Course Number: BIOL 424
III. Credit Hours: 3 credits
IV. Prerequisites: BIOL 131, BIOL 132, BIOL 231, and BIOL 232 or ANSC 201 and ANSC 302 or BIOL 103, BIOL 104, or BIOL 105 with instructor permission.
V. Course Description:
Lecture. Reviews the fossil evidence for human evolution, with an emphasis on past and present scientific principles governing the study of human origins and the interaction of culture and biology in human evolutionary development. The archaeological record as it pertains to our human past is also explored. Students will critically examine major controversies in human evolution from a biocultural perspective.
VI. Detailed Description of Content of the Course:
1. A review of the methodological approaches to studying the human fossil record, focusing on how we know what we know about human origins
2. A historical review of major developments in the field of human paleontology
3. An examination of modern paleontological theory as it specifically applies to the human fossil record
4. A survey of the hominid fossil record from 5 million years ago to present, including
5. These major trends in human evolution will be examined in an adaptive, biocultural context. Thus, the interaction between biology and culture over five million years of hominid prehistory will be greatly emphasized in this course.
6. A detailed analysis of current controversies concerning the human fossil record: why they occur, what they involve, and how they might be resolved.
VII. Detailed Description of Conduct of Course:
This course will entail a traditional lecture format in addition to more innovative approaches to learning course material. For example, a minimum of three self-paced laboratory exercises (conducted at the Human Osteology and Archaeology Laboratory at Radford) will be required involving students’ hands-on study of human fossil casts and slides and interpretation of evolutionary morphology from them. Regular and frequent group and individual class presentations will be required which critique both popular and scientific literature dealing with human origins. Students will also be encouraged to write more formal analyses of this literature, as well as explore one topic in human origins in greater detail as their semester research project. Finally, three examinations (mostly essay and short answer) will be given. Guest speakers and field trips may be scheduled, if possible.
VIII. Goals and Objectives of the Course:
Having successfully completed this course, a student will be able to
IX. Assessment Measures:
Three examinations (mostly essay and short identification) will be required, as well as a minimum of three self-paced laboratory exercises. Weekly summaries of readings (of text books as well as outside literary sources) will be formally written and randomly presented orally to the class. Finally, a research project of the students’ choosing (either individual or group) will entail a detailed investigation of some topic relating to human origins.
Other Course Information
Review and Approval
March 01, 2021