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BIOL 479

BIOL 479: Medical Physiology

Prerequisites: A grade of “C” or better in BIOL 411, or permission of instructor

This advanced course is intended to provide students with fundamental knowledge of physiology with emphasis on the central concept of homeostasis and the mechanisms of select diseases. It is expected that most students enrolling this course have aspirations to become health care professionals or will continue on to graduate programs related to physiology. Since health care professionals must be able to explain basic physiology and disease conditions to their patients, students in this course will be responsible for preparing and giving some lectures on mechanisms of disease.


Detailed Description of Content of Course

Lecture topics may include, but are not limited to:
1.  Cardiovascular Physiology    
2.  Digestive Physiology
3.  Endocrine Physiology
4. Excretory Physiology
5.  Integumentary Physiology
6.  Muscular Physiology
7.  Nervous Physiology
8.  Reproductive Physiology
9.  Respiratory Physiology
10.  Skeletal Physiology

Detailed Description of Conduct of Course

The class will be taught in lecture/discussion format.  The students may be required to give presentations, possibly including entire lectures.  The instructor may present a fast-paced description of the normal physiology (to mimic the pace of medical and graduate courses).  This information will build on the fundamental information presented in BIOL 232 or 322.  Students may then design and give lectures on mechanisms of disease or medical research areas associated with that system.  The instructor will work with students to insure their lecture material is correct and at an acceptable level before presentations are made.   

Goals and Objectives of the Course

Having successfully completed this course, the student will be able to:

    Demonstrate the ability to synthesize physiological information
    Describe how physiological research is conducted
    Evaluate physiological research
    Describe the cellular basis of physiology
    Describe mechanisms of disease

Assessment Measures
Student comprehension will be assessed through quizzes, exams and presentations.  Exams will be designed so that the students must demonstrate synthesis.  Students will also be assessed on their presentations and class discussion participation.          

Other Course Information

Review and Approval

