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BIOL 491



 BIOL 491 - Directed Study and Research (1-6)

Prerequisites: A grade of "C" or better in eight credits in Biology, permission of instructor, approval by the Biology Department Chair and a minimum GPA of 2.5 in Biology courses.

An introduction to research or other forms of scholarly study in biology under the close supervision of a faculty mentor.  A maximum of six credit hours of Biology 491/492/495 may be applied to the Biology major; any additional credit hours will apply as University electives.


Detailed Description of Content of Course

This course is designed to cover a broad range of scholarly activities of mutual interest to students and individual instructors. In many cases this will involve an introduction to problems, methods, and scientific literature used in the instructor's biological research. Other scholarly activities might include directed reading, dissection, developing new educational methods and materials, or shadowing an instructor in the classroom or laboratory.


Detailed Description of Conduct of Course

Conduct of the course will depend upon the nature of the student/faculty activity. Although these activities may differ substantially among individual instructors, it is understood that as an introduction to research the student will require substantial, close supervision.


Goals and Objectives of the Course

The goals of this course are to introduce the student to the problems, methods, and literature used in specific areas of research or other scholarly activities related to biology, and to prepare students to undertake independent, undergraduate research projects.


Assessment Measures

Methods of assessment will vary depending upon the specific content of the course as it is offered by different instructors. In many cases, students will be expected to demonstrate mastery of the problems, methods, and literature of an area of biology by preparing a formal proposal for an undergraduate research project to be completed in later semesters.


Other Course Information

A total maximum of 6 credit hours of Biology 491/492 may be applied to the Biology major. 8 credits in Biology, permission of instructor and minimum GPA of 2.5 in Biology courses


Review and Approval

September 2001 - Dr. Charles M. Neal, Chair

March, 2010