COMS 427: Learning Management and Assessment
Credit hours (3)
Note(s): R (Scientific and Quantitative Reasoning) Area
Theories of interactivity, information presentation and responsive design; practice
in the creation of advanced interactive publications, including audio, video and interactive
animation for the World Wide Web and other digital media.
Detailed Description of Course
This course is an overview of the various digital tools available for training and
management of digital training environments. Learning management systems will be examined
as well as associated tools for global collaboration and communication. Learners will
be given hands-on projects as they learn to integrate digital communication and training
environments for computing and mobile delivery. Analytic and tracking technologies
for such environments will also be examined. Finally, 508 compliance and usability
best practices will be covered.
Detailed Description of Conduct of Course
The course is conducted as a lecture and lab combination course. The underlying theory
involves visual design, information design, and interactive design. Most emphasis
on the course is on student production of audio, video and interactive products for
the World Wide Web.
Goals and Objectives of the Course
After completion of the course, the student will be able to:
1) Demonstrate an understanding of the theories pertaining to good visual, informational,
and interactive design.
2) Demonstrate an understanding the range of software applications and content
management systems that may be used
for advanced Web Design. These would include (but not be limited to) HTML,
scripting applications; digital imaging
applications; audio, video and streaming server applications; web hosting resources,
social media platforms; and
advanced interactive applications.
3) Develop responsive and multimodal Web sites with basic content accessible to
various browsers, platforms, and
4) Create professional Web sites by applying current industry standard concepts
using the range of applications.
Assessment Measures
As an advanced lab course, assessment measures will tend to emphasize critique and
review of exercises and projects over quizzes and exams. However, all assessment measures
may be used in the course.
Review and Approval
April 19, 2016
Revised June, 2023