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COSD 438

COSD 438: Phonetics

Credit Hours: (3)

Introduction to phonetic principles; transcription using the International Phonetic Alphabet.  Student cannot receive credit for this course if they have previously taken COSD 311.


Detailed Description of Content of Course

COSD 438 is designed as an introduction to phonetic principles. Students learn the International Phonetic Alphabet in order to transcribe a variety of speech samples. Students also learn the physiologic characteristics of consonants and vowels. This knowledge prepares them to analyze both normal and disordered speech. Narrow transcription skills, analysis skills, and knowledge of the role of dialectic variation are also developed in the latter part of the course. The teaching sequence followed is based on the typical textbook sequence for a course of this sort. The major areas to be considered in this course are:

1. Basic principles in the study of phonetics
2. Study of the articulators
3. International Phonetic Alphabet
4. Articulatory phonetics: consonants
5. Articulatory phonetics: vowels
6. Narrow phonetic transcription: coarticulation
7. Dialect variations
8. Application of phonetics to disordered speech


Detailed Description of Conduct of the Course

The lecture portion of this course will cover basic learning regarding phonetics. Course will include learning and drill with the IPA, broad transcription, narrow transcription, and beginning analyses of disordered speech, including the identification of the nature of changes in consonant and vowel articulation. Students will transcribe both recorded and live speech and will gain experience transcribing both normal and disordered speech.


Goals and Objectives of the Course

  • Students will develop an understanding of the background and principles of the study of phonetics.
  • Students will develop skills in broad and narrow phonetic transcription.
  • Students will learn to analyze phonemes in terms of their articulatory characteristics.
  • Students will apply knowledge of articulatory characteristics to a variety of speech samples.
  • Students will learn the application of phonetics to multicultural variations.
  • Students will apply knowledge of phonetics to disordered speech.


Assessment Measures

Assessment measures will include quizzes, in-class exams, and a final, comprehensive exam. Exams will include objective questions, short-answer essay questions, and phonetic transcription. The emphasis in objective questions will be on basic facts while essay questions and transcription will emphasize the application of knowledge. Quizzes are given in the practice portion and are not announced.


Other Course Information



Review and Approval
March 2005 Revise course credit hours APPROVED BY Kenneth Cox, Chair