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COED 642

COED 642: Practicum: Group Counseling Techniques

Prerequisites: COED 610, COED 611, COED 612, COED 614 and COED 641 with grades of “B” or higher

Credit Hours: (3)

Four integral components of the course include first, the development of group counseling skills; second, organizing, implementing and evaluating counseling groups; third, the acquisition and demonstration of advanced group counseling skills through clinical practice; and fourth the enhanced use of self as a helping agent as a result of personal and professional growth and development associated with group participation.


Detailed Description of Content of Course

This course is designed for mental health practitioners. It will focus on providing students with supervised experience in organizing, implementing, and evaluating a counseling group. Class material will focus on helping you put group theory into practice. Particular emphasis will be placed on evaluating your group's content and process as well as your counselor skills.

1. Course overview
2. Review developmental group stages and counselor skills
3. Ethics and leadership traits/skills
4. Video tape review and evaluation
5. Class as a group


Detailed Description of Conduct of Course


Prepare a detailed proposal for a group that you will organize and implement outside of this class during this semester. (outline provided) Proposal due third class meeting. Implement your group, which must meet a minimum of eight clock hours and at least six sessions. Arrange for and videotape each session. Bring one video tape to be viewed and critiqued with entire class, each class session. Keep a loose-leaf notebook for materials pertaining to your group. Included in this notebook should be the following:


1. Approved proposal
2. Plans for each group session, including objectives and activities used
3. Case notes on individual group members
4. A log including what actually occurred in group and your evaluation of the content/process of each group session and your skills in each session
5. An overall evaluation of group, evaluation of individual members, evaluation should be related specifically to the proposal
6. Overall evaluation of self
7. Prepare a 30-minute group experience, appropriate to stage of class group, and lead class group
8. Prepare a two-page paper describing two group strategies


Present these strategies to the class. Be prepared to discuss the strategies regarding the type of group for which they will be appropriate, stage of group development, etc.


Goals and Objectives of the Course

Students will be:


1. knowledgeable about developmental stages of group counseling
2. knowledgeable about counselor skills as they relate to developmental stages
3. a group leader and member and provide thoughtful critique of self in each role
4. leader of a 30-minute group experience in class and receive thoughtful critique of performance
5. an independent group leader of a counseling group outside of class and receive thoughtful critique of this experience
6. provided on-going feedback regarding their development as skilful group counselors


Assessment Measures

  • Video tape evaluation by instructor/peers
  • Instructor evaluation of notebook


Other Course Information


Review and Approval
May 2006 Revised