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CRJU 360

CRJU 360: Criminal Law and Evidence

Note(s): Applied Learning designated course.

Prerequisites: CRJU 100  

Credit Hours: (3)

The examination of criminal laws and rules of evidence; origins, definition, scope and impact upon the criminal justice practitioner.

Detailed Description of Content of Course

1. The nature of criminal law

            a) The differences between criminal law and criminal procedure and the significance of those differences
            b) The role of the common law
            c) Comparison of criminal law and civil law

2. The purpose of criminal law

            a) General purposes
            b) Sanction philosophies and their role in criminal law

3. Elements of criminal offenses

4. Crimes against persons

            a) Homicide
            b) Rape and other sex offenses
            c) Assault and battery
            d) Kidnapping

5. Crimes against the home

            a) Burglary
            b) Arson

6. Crimes against property

            a) Larceny
            b) Embezzlement
            c) False pretenses
            d) Robbery
            e) Extortion
            f) Forgery and uttering

7. Defenses to crimes

            a) Entrapment
            b) Insanity
            c) Other common defenses

8. Inchoate offenses

            a) Attempt
            b) Conspiracy
            c) Solicitation

Detailed Description of Conduct of Course

This course will consist primarily of class lecture and class discussion. After the presentation of principles, definitions, and/or rules concerning most of the subjects in the course outline, students will discuss fact situations to which the principles, definitions, and rules presented will be applied. These exercises are designed to develop further their understanding of the material covered.

Goals and Objectives of the Course

After completion of the course, the student should be able to:

1. Articulate the principle differences between criminal law and criminal procedure and why those differences are important.
2. Evaluate critically the purposes and goals of criminal law.
3. Identify and explain the elements of the most common criminal offenses and be able to apply them to common factual situations. Also be able to analyze how these elements and the rules associated with them might be applied to unusual factual situations.
4. Identify the rules pertaining to general defenses to criminal offenses and be able to analyze their application to factual situations.

Assessment Measures

Knowledge and understanding of the material covered in this course, as well as the ability to apply it to real life situations, may be measured using an array of assessment tools that can include tests, formal papers, informal writing assignments, and formal oral presentations. Instructors of this course can choose among these assessment tools and may develop others if they deem it appropriate.

Review and Approval

Date Action Approved By
July 2005, Reviewed by Dr. Isaac Van Patten, Department Chair

Revised June 2023