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CRJU 491

CRJU 491: Forensic Seminar

Prerequisites: CRJU 100, and junior standing, or permission of the instructor

Credit Hours: (3)

Concentrated study on specific forensic/investigative issues. May be taken again for credit as often as course content varies.

Detailed Description of Content of Course

Each proposal for an interdisciplinary forensic studies seminar course must include a description of the content of the course. That description should include the primary and secondary readings that will be central features of the course, the nature and purposes of writing assignments, and the nature and purposes of any projects, performances, or field experiences that will be a part of the course.

Detailed Description of Conduct of Course

Each proposal for an interdisciplinary forensic studies seminar course will include a description of how the course will be conducted. This description should detail the kinds of instruction and other interactions the students and the professor will have. If other persons will participate in the course, their roles and the nature of their interactions with the students should also be detailed in class syllabi.

Goals and Objectives of the Course

Each proposal for an interdisciplinary forensic studies seminar course will include a description of the goals and objectives of the course. These goals can be both content and process centered.

Assessment Measures

Include any combination of the following strategies:

Examinations, practical exercises, quizzes, in-class writing assignments, research papers, class discussion and participation, group activities, out of class activities, class attendance, presentations.


Other Course Information

Proposals for an interdisciplinary forensic studies seminar course will provide opportunities for students to study in-depth specific forensic/investigative topics and issues.


Review and Approval

April 21, 2017