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CRJU 672

CRJU 672
Applications in Crime Analysis

1.     Catalog Entry
CRJU 672
Applications in Crime Analysis
Three credit hours (3)

Prerequisites: CRJU 670 (required), CRJU 671 (recommended)

This course is an introduction to the quantitative skills used in tactical, strategic, and administrative crime analysis.

2.     Detailed Description of Course
In this course the student will be introduced to the history of crime analysis in contemporary criminal justice systems and its current role in evaluating and assessing a variety of criminal justice data.  Crime analysis is the process through which raw data is converted to information and then communicated as knowledge that informs criminal justice decision making.  In essence, crime analysis is a form of applied research which utilizes both qualitative and quantitative analysis to generate a knowledge product which is used to inform policy making.

This course will focus on three main areas of instruction.
I. Definition and Purpose of Crime Analysis: This section of the course will identify definitions of crime analysis, the classification of different types of crime analysis and the discussion of the process of crime analysis generally.  Theories of crime that are applicable to the study of patterns of crime will also be examined within this course.  Students will also learn the purpose of crime analysis for criminal justice agencies, as well as the cycle of analysis used to improve the allocation of police resources.

II. Applications and Tools of Statistical Analysis: Students will learn and apply a variety of techniques and strategies to analyze patterns, series, and trends in the commission of crime.  These include but are not limited to: data collection and handling, large scale database management, quantitative statistical analyses, geographic system analysis and mapping and qualitative application of findings.

III. Critical Policy Application of Crime Analysis: The final section of the course will explain the application of findings from the analytical techniques to inform policy and promote effective patrol and police functions. Students will also learn the role of the crime analyst, in particular the implications for the job in terms of disseminating results of the analysis to the police administration.

3.    Detailed Description of Conduct of Course
Active student learning and engagement will be utilized to build a foundation of knowledge regarding techniques and applications of crime analysis.  Students will apply these skills in exercises that utilize the statistical analysis applications.  A variety of instructional techniques will be applied in this course.  These include but are not limited to:
•    Class discussions about the implications of crime analysis for policing organizations, as well as the larger field of criminal justice generally.
•    Case studies of particular crime problems with a reliance on data analysis as the major tool for examination
•    Traditional lecture
•    Guest speakers

4.     Goals and Objectives of the Course
•    To promote communication and critical thinking skills.
•    To analyze patterns of crime, including type specific crime patterns.
•    To develop the ability to aid policing agencies in determining patterns of crime and allocate resources consistent with those patterns.
•    To understand the role of the crime analyst within policing/criminal justice agencies.
•    To assess the allocations of resources within criminal justice agencies.
•    To describe patterns of crime via written and oral communications.

5.    Other Course Information

6.     Review and Approval
February 1, 2008