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DNCE 120

DNCE 120: Dance Improvisation

Credit Hours: (1)

Provides the opportunity for creative exploration, reflection and discussion on the basic dance compositional elements, time, space and design. As an introduction to the creative process, improvisation provides experiences in making quick solutions to compositional problems.

Note(s): Artistic Expression designated course.  May be taken for a total of three semester hours of credit.


Detailed Description of Course



1. Mirroring
2. Manipulation of Laban effort/shape qualities
3. Space
4. Time
5. Props
6. Music
7. Sound
8. Contact improvisation
9. Contact improvisation jam
10. Shape-design
11. Delicious Movement/Butoh; exploring extremely slow
12. Duet
13. Trio
14. Group
15. Environment/site specific



Detailed Description of Conduct of Course

A professional approach in which the creative process is explored through problem solving pedagogy. Fundamentals of improvisation are introduced to the students through manipulation of the basic elements of time, space, effort and design. Course material is presented through lecture, demonstrations, class and group discussion, illustrative videos, guest presenters and other appropriate devices.


Goals and Objectives of the Course

Goals for the course – At the conclusion of the course students will:


• Understand how to explore and create original movement.
• Access creative material from the natural and human environment.
• Use props and music to motivate original movement.
• Relate spontaneously to other dancers.
• Be able to manipulate time, space and design elements to create visual kinesthetic art in the moment.


Assessment Measures

Means of evaluating students’ comprehension of course material and their fulfillment of the goals may be measured through direct observation by the instructor, digital/video taping for analysis, student journals, class discussion, informal response papers, creative projects and class attendance.


Other Course Information

Individual instructors may emphasize one aspect of this course over another depending on his or her background and particular interests. At the instructor’s discretion viewing videos of dance improvisation and attending live performances or rehearsals may supplement the student’s basic dance education.

Newly approved course Spring 2003


Review and Approval
March 24, 1998 Review Margaret Devaney, Chair
July 14, 2005 Review Margaret Devaney, Chair

March 01, 2021