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DNCE 220

DNCE 220: Dance Composition

Prerequisite: One semester of DNCE 120

Credit Hours: (2)

Provides opportunity for creative exploration and analysis of principles of fundamental dance techniques through improvisation, problem solving, and informal production of student works.

Note(s): Humanistic or Artistic Expression designated course.  May be taken for a total of four semester hours of credit.


Detailed Description of Content of Course

1. Improvisation

2. Studies selected by the instructor from such examples as the following areas of exploration:

            a. Space
            b. Time
            c. Energy
            d. Use of props
            e. Animal abstraction
            f. Manipulation of theme
            g. Transitions
            h. Art style
            i. Personal object
            j. Contrary movement style


Detailed Description of Conduct of Course

A professional approach in which the fundamentals of composition are introduced to the student. This course includes material presented by Instructor, followed by experiential projects, in-class discussions, and critical analysis.


Goals and Objectives of the Course

At the conclusion of the course, the student will:

1. Demonstrate a grasp of fundamental principles of dance composition through movement studies presented in class.
2. Be able to analyze the compositional elements of selected dance works either in the standard repertoire or produced by faculty.


Assessment Measures

The student may be measured through direct observation by the instructor, digital/video taping for analysis, practical and written exams, and class attendance.


Other Course Information

At the instructor's discretion, the student's basic and traditional dance education may be supplemented by such aids as viewing videos of modern dance, attending live dance performances, and keeping learning logs.


Review and Approval

Revised February, 2009

March 01, 2021