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DSNM 445

DSNM 445: Forecasting for Design

Prerequisites: DSN 402, DSNF 350, DSNI 355 and DSNM 440; 2.5 in-major GPA

Credit Hours: (3)

Methods and procedures for forecasting products and market trends in the apparel and interior industry. The capstone course for merchandising students.

Note(s): Students cannot receive credit for both DSNM 445 and DSNM 493.

Detailed Description of Course

The student will examine methods for researching and creating trend forecasts that impact a product’s materials, color, style, finish, packaging, positioning, and sales. Topics included are: trend tracking; forecasting; product positioning; market segmentation; production timelines; logistics; and forecasting research techniques.
Understanding and the ability to appropriately apply universal design.

Detailed Description of Conduct of Course
Course content is delivered through lecture. Active learning techniques will be employed to stimulate student learning.

Goals and Objectives of the Course

As a result of this course, students will:

1. Knowledge of techniques used in trend tracking and predictions.
2. Knowledge of how to create professional caliber forecasting reports.
3. Understanding of retail store layout and space allocations based upon merchandising objectives
4. Comprehension of the implications of merchandising math procedures and analyses on business success/failure.
5. Comprehension in communicating ideas in written, oral, and multi-media formats.

Assessment Measures

Exams, group projects, and a comprehensive project will be used.

Other Course Information

Review and Approval
March 2010