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DSN 223

DSN 223: Textiles

Credits: (3) Three hours lecture

A study of fibers, yarn, fabrics and finishes for use in computer textile products. Emphasis is placed on investigation of fibers/yarns/fabrics for interior and apparel products.

Note(s): Students will not receive credit for both DSNF 223 and DSN 223.

Detailed Description of Content of Course

List topics or major units; include subtopics under major units, if appropriate.  

In this class, students will learn to analyze fabrics that are utilized in the apparel and interiors industries. The topics covered include: fibers, yarns, fabrication identification, characteristics and properties, aesthetic and functional finishes, and end product concerns.

Detailed Description of Conduct of Course

Lecture will be used to present the information to the class. Students may also learn through reading and in-class activities. Learning will occur through information searches and gathering and through collaborative work. This class also provides:

Learning experiences that engage students in the interaction with multiple disciplines representing a variety of points of view and perspectives. (5d)

Goals and Objectives of the Course

1.    To have an awareness of different fibers, yarn structures, methods of fabrication, and dye/print/finish techniques.
2.    To have an awareness of the nature and value of integrated design practices with multiple disciplines representing a variety of view and perspectives (i.e., interior design, merchandising, and fashion). (5b)
3.    To have an awareness of industry specifications, standards, and symbols. (14h)
4.    To have an awareness of the effects of fiber content, yarn structure, coloration method, and finish upon the performance of interior and apparel textiles.
5.    To have an awareness of industry-specific regulations along with the ability to apply appropriate federal, state, and local codes. (14g, 14b)
6.    To recognize textile testing agencies and test procedures used to evaluate textile product performance and the importance of textile testing in understanding the quality of textiles.
7.    To be aware of new developments and trends in textiles for interiors and apparel (e.g., sustainability) and to be aware of a broad range of textiles, typical fabrication and installation methods, and maintenance requirements.  (11a, 11b)
8.    To be aware of how to select and apply appropriate textiles on the basis of their properties and performance criteria including environmental attributes and life cycles. (11c)
9.    To have an understanding and demonstrate the interaction of color and light and the impact they have on one another. (10b)


Assessment Measures
Tests and projects.

Other Course Information

Guest speakers are recommended.

Review and Approval