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DSN 619

DSN 619: Design Thinking for Educators

Prerequisite: None

Credit Hours: (3)

An introduction to current trends for design thinking among educators, instructional design and problem solving in education. This course will present contextual examples of design thinking in a variety of facets of education to include, but not limited to: administration, higher education teaching and learning, K-12 teaching and learning, student collaboration and community input. The course will define learning and instructional design, and explain theories and models for instructional design; present design thinking methods to enhance existing models of instructional design and motivation in learning; examine opportunities to approach diverse problems in education with design thinking methodology.

Detailed Description of Course

1) Current Trends for Design Thinking in Education
2) Design Thinking for Educators in Context
        a. Administration
        b. Higher Education teaching and learning
        c. K-12 teaching and learning
        d. Student
        e. Community
3) Design for Learning
        a. Learning definition
        b. Instructional design definition
        c. Theories of Instructional design
        d. Models of Instructional design
4) ADDIE Model of Instructional design
        a. Analysis
        b. Design
        c. Development
        d. Implementation
        e. Evaluation
5) Design thinking for Enhancing ADDIE
6) MUSIC Model of Motivation
7) Design Thinking Methods for Problem Solving in Education

Detailed Description of Conduct of Course

Brief video lecture introducing the module topic, required readings and videos, various individual activities, assess your understanding quizzes, insight discussions.

Goals and Objectives of this Course

1) Explore current trends for design thinking in education
2) Define learning
3) Define instructional design
4) Differentiate between theories of instructional design
5) Explore models on instructinoal design
6) Identify the stages of ADDIE model of instructional design
7) Identify the components of MUSIC model of motivation
8) Design learning interactions using the methods of design thinking, ADDIE and MUSIC
9) Select design thinking methods to solve problems among educators and education settings

Assessment Measures

At the end of this course, students will be able to:

1) Research and present current examples of design thinking methodology applied to problems in educational settings;
2) Define learning, instructional design, differentiate between theories and models of instructional design;
3) Identify the stages of ADDIE;
4) Identify the components of MUSIC;
5) Design learning interactions using the methods of design thinking, ADDIE and MUSIC;
6) Select design thinking methods to solves problems among educators and education settings.

Other Course Information



Review and Approval

May 1, 2018