DSN 740: Design Management
Credit Hours: (3)
This online course will provide opportunities for studying design management strategies,
professional ethics, target markets, and operational theories.
Detailed Description of Course
Content: This online course explores the creative culture as it relates to specific
business models. The student will define the physical and psychological differences
of organizational structures to understand what it takes to foster a creative culture
within a business environment. “Design management is the business side of design.
Design management encompasses the ongoing processes, business decisions, and strategies
that enable innovation and create effectively-designed products, services, communications,
environments, and brands that enhance our quality of life and provide organizational
This course will provide opportunities for studying design management strategies,
professional ethics, target markets, and operational theories. It will look at globalization
and the implications of conducting the practice of design thinking within a world
market place.
Staff (Retrieved 2010) from: http://www.dmi.org/dmi/html/aboutdmi/design_management.htm
Detailed Description of Conduct of Course
This is an online course. Students may have access to online lectures, readings,
discussion boards or other developing technologies.
Goals and Objectives of this Course
The student will be able to understand, define and/or apply:
1. sustainability concepts;
2. design management strategies; and
3. global issues relevant to design thinking.
Design Thinking
The student will be able to::
1. gather appropriate and necessary information and research findings to solve
the problem;
2. use inspiration effectively;
3. seek the right problem;
4. learn to accept set backs;
5. become adept at the process of brainstorming;
6. define constraints including desirability, viability and feasibility;
7. understand the value of empathy;
8. use design thinking strategies; and
9. solve complex problems.
Students will be able to apply:
1. team work structures and dynamics;
2. nature and value of integrated practices;
3. collaboration, consensus building, leadership and team work practices;
4. encourage spontaneous interactions among members;
5. create an “environment” where member can experiment, take risks, and explore
the full range of their capabilities;
6. liberate design thinking;
7. variety of communication techniques and technologies appropriate to a range
of purposes and audiences;
8. express ideas clearly in oral, written and graphic formats; and
9. process information using convergent/divergent thinking and analysis/synthesis
Management Strategies
Students will be able to understand the application of:
1. elements of design management strategies;
2. professional ethics;
3. market types and client types;
4. operation theories; and
5. unleashing the power of team wisdom.
Global Context
Students will be able to understand and apply:
1. globalization and the implications of conducting the practice of design thinking
within a world market place;
2. sustainability concepts, theories, issues and applications; and
3. social and cultural differences.
Assessment Measures may include but are not limited to
Writing assignments, presentations, projects, discussion threads on reading assignments.
Other Course Information
Review and Approval
April 8, 2014