DSN 770: Research Methods
Prerequisite: Graduate standing in MFA - Design Thinking concentration, DSN 575
Credit Hours: (3)
This online course examines quantitative and qualitative research methods commonly
used in the design professions.
Detailed Description of Course
Content: This course surveys research methods used in many disciplines and provides experience with the process of designing a research project. Fundamentals of research design, sampling, data collection, and data analysis are explored.
Detailed Description of Conduct of Course
The Research Methods course will be delivered using an online format. Students may have access to online lectures, readings, discussion boards, or other developing technologies.
Goals and Objectives of this Course
To create an awareness of and familiarity with:
1. a broad range of research methods used in research and experience in using
at least one of these methods;
2. sampling techniques;
3. potential threats to the research project by examining reliability and validity
issues; and
4. measurement/instrumentation methods used in design research.
To develop, understand and apply:
1. the research process of problem identification/hypothesis development, literature
reviews, data collection, and data analysis;
2. research methodologies that may employ experimental design, correlational research,
survey research, and causal comparative research;
3. quantitative and qualitative data analysis strategies; and
4. ethical issues that may arise when conducting design research involving human
Assessment Measures may include but are not limited to
Papers, tests, assignments, and discussion questions; team developed mini-proposal.
Other Course Information