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EDEC 423

I. Course Title: Language Arts and Literature for Young Children

II. Course Number: EDEC 423

III. Credit Hours: 3 credits

IV. Prerequisites: EDEC 322; Sophomore or junior standing; 2.5 GPA

V. Course Description:

Addresses the methods, knowledge, skills, and processes necessary for teaching the foundations of early literacy. The course focuses on positive learning environments that support early literacy and foster the appreciation of a variety of literature; strategies for assessing early literacy; and plans for supporting family literacy. Considerations of all aspects of diversity are emphasized, including speakers of other languages. The use of media and technology are integrated throughout the course.

VI. Detailed Description of Content of the Course:

A variety of instructional strategies will be modeled by the instructor, as well as studied and explored by the students. Students will demonstrate competencies in supporting oral language development (speaking and listening), phonological awareness, vocabulary and concept development, listening comprehension, and emergent writing for children from birth through the preschool years. Formal and informal assessments including screening and progress monitoring instruments will be studied. The course is conducted with emphasis on positive learning environments that support creative thinking and expression through storytelling, drama, and choral reading; language and literature that recognizes and celebrates diversity in all aspects of students’ lives (including ability and cultural needs); and facilitates the learning of standard of English by speakers of other languages.

VI. Detailed Description of Conduct of Course:

The course format may include modeling, demonstrations, collaborative small group work, designing creative literacy centers, evaluating technology application, practicing administering assessments, analyzing assessment data, and generating plans for family engagement.

VII. Goals and Objectives of the Course:

Goals, objectives, and assignments follow the Virginia Department of Education regulations for preparing educators in Early/Primary Education Prek-3; the International Literacy Association Standards for the Preparation of Literacy Professionals; and the National Association for the Education of Young Children Standards for Early Childhood Professional Preparation. The goals and objectives of the course support learners in achievement of the Virginia’s Foundation Blocks for Early Learning.

By the end of the course students will demonstrate the ability to:

  1. Create  positive, literacy-rich learning environments
  2. Integrate all aspects of early literacy and children’s literature (including concept of story and concepts about print) in learning experiences across the curriculum, including the arts
  3. Use formal and informal assessment instruments, including screening and progress monitoring measures
  4. Analyze assessment data to inform instruction
  5. Employ technology as a tool for teaching, learning, research, and communication
  6. Maximize language development, conceptual understanding, and skill competence within each child’s zone of proximal development
  7. Formulate plans for supporting for family literacy

VIII. Assessment Measures:

Students will demonstrate their learning through quizzes and/or tests; large and small group discussions and projects; read-aloud demonstrations; using technology to enhance digital sharing of experiences and storytelling; author study; creating literacy-rich dramatic play centers; practicing administering assessment instruments; analyzing assessment data and using data to inform instruction; planning family literacy activities.

Review and Approval

August 2020