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EDEF 606

EDEF 606: Applications of Educational Research

Prerequisite: EDEF 605: Introduction to Educational Research

Credit hours (3)

This course mentors teacher researchers through the process of developing an educational research proposal, adhering to current regulations for research involving human subjects, and securing the necessary permissions to conduct research.

Detailed Description of Course

This course provides focuses on the process of developing an educational research proposal, adhering to current regulations for research involving human subjects, and securing the necessary permissions to conduct research. Successful completion of this course requires students to demonstrate proficiency in the research design process by completing the following:

    1) Extending understandings developed in the EDEF 605: Introduction to Educational Research course by delving deeper into the research design             process including methodology, data collection, data analysis, and effective communication of research findings
    2) Analyzing the methodological choices used in examples of education research
    3) Conducting a literature review for an education-related topic approved by the course instructor
    4) Adhering to APA style while developing a research proposal
    5) Developing research questions for study
    6) Developing research methodology that adheres to the current regulations for research involving human subjects and aligns with research                     questions
    7) Securing Human Subjects training through the Institutional Review Board

Detailed Description of Conduct of Course

Course readings will serve as primary course content and basis for class discussions. A variety of written  and/or multimedia assignments (locating research, composing a literature review, outlining research questions, designing appropriate methodology to address the research questions, group discussions and projects) will be used to help students develop an understanding of the complexities of the education research design process and current standards for research involving human subjects. Lectures by the professor will be utilized to supplement and reinforce course readings. Videos will provide additional content for personal reflection and/or class discussion. Internet searches will provide an additional source for acquiring related course content.

Goals and Objectives of the Course

Goals, objectives, and assignments in the class address the CAEP 2013 Accreditation Standard 1.2: [Program] completers use research and evidence to develop an understanding of the teaching profession; and the Virginia Licensure Regulations (8VAC20-542-100; 8VAC20-542-110; 8VAC20-542-120) 1.i.: Teacher candidates demonstrate the ability to analyze, evaluate, apply, and conduct quantitative and qualitative research.

At the conclusion of this course, the student will have had the opportunity to develop competencies in the following knowledge and skills and will be able to:

    1) Conduct a literature review for an education-related topic approved by the course instructor
    2) Develop research questions for study
    3) Articulate research methodology that adheres to the current regulations for research involving human subjects and aligns with research                         questions
    4) Secure necessary permission for conducting research and prepare consent/assent forms
    5) Complete, submit, and if necessary, revise and resubmit the IRB application

Assessment Measures

All instructors of this course will assess learning in this class in a variety of ways. These include, but are not limited to, the following:

    1) Written assignments such as reading reflections, research study analyses, literature reviews, formal papers;
    2) Small group projects;
    3) Class participation in discussions and small group activities;
    4) Paper or poster presentations (individual or in a group);
    5) Quizzes and examination/s on course content;
    6) Original research proposal.

Technological proficiency must be demonstrated in written assignments, electronic mail communications, and correspondence.

Other Course Information

EDEF 605 is a pre-requisite for this course.


Review and Approval

May 2, 2016
December 29, 2008
October 29, 2008
April 12, 1998
May 1, 1985