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EDEF 810

EDEF 810
Models of Change for School and Community Leaders

1. Catalog Entry

EDEF 810
Models of Change for School and Community Leaders

Credit hours (3)
Prerequisite: This class is offered for students accepted into the Doctoral Program in Education.

This course explores the literature and research on theories, models, and processes of change within the context of school districts and the communities in which they reside.

2. Detailed Description of Course

This course will examine organizational theory as well as sociological and psychological principles affecting change in school organizations. Models of change studied in this course will include those that consider the various combinations of both inside and outside initiation of change and use of inside and outside resources. Topics for this course include:
• organizational theory as it applies to educational and community organizations,
• social and psychological principles of leading and managing change,
• the examination and evaluation of change models applicable to school districts and the communities in which they reside,
• engagement of multiple stakeholders in change initiatives, and
• school district improvement planning as a change initiative.

3. Detailed Description of Conduct of Course

This course may include professional reading, case study analysis, discussion, individual or group projects related to the development and implementation of change initiatives, lecture in synchronous and asynchronous online formats, and application of course content to school/district settings.

4. Goals and Objectives of the Course

Upon successful completion of course requirements, students will:
• Describe theories, models, and principles of organizational development.
• Describe the social and psychological principles that affect change initiatives.
• Describe how one would lead and manage change in educational organizations given the effect of social and psychological principles on change initiatives.
• Describe methods to improve outreach and collaboration among and between schools, families, and other community members.
• Demonstrate the capability to analyze, plan for, and promote continuous, sustainable, and evidence-based school and district improvement.
• Demonstrate the capability to engage families, community, public, private, and non-profit sectors in meaningful ways.
• Evaluate and design strategies that sustain productive partnerships with communities and public, private, and non-profit sectors to recognize and celebrate school and community improvement,
• Demonstrate the capability to maintain ongoing, two-way communication with families and the community to develop an understanding of the diverse interests, needs, and resources of the district community in the service of student development and educational improvement.
• Identify various factors (i.e., political, economic, cultural, etc.) that shape the context in which decisions are made in the service of student learning and development.

5. Assessment Measures

Students will be assessed with multiple instruments, which may include, but are not limited to, online assessments of content knowledge, group projects, individual student writing, and an applied assignment aligned with course objectives.

6. Other Course Information


Review and Approval

May 2017