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EDEL 810

EDEL 810
Advanced School Law

1. Catalog Entry

EDEL 810
Advanced School Law

Credit hours (3)
Prerequisite: This class is offered for students accepted into the Doctoral Program in Education.

This course will provide a comprehensive review of the law that governs the American public school system. The course will provide an in-depth study of federal, state and local law as it relates to the operation and management of schools. Students will study the law through examination of statutes and legal precedent established in case law and evaluate the legal consequences of school/district decision making.

2. Detailed Description of Course

The course content will focus on federal, state and local laws related to students that impact the management of finances, human resources, and implementation of instructional, co-curricular, and extra- curricular programs. There will be an emphasis on the analysis of legal and ethical implications of decisions that must be made. The content is aligned with the Professional Standards for Educational Leaders (PSEL) with an emphasis on Standards 2 and 9.

3. Detailed Description of Conduct of Course

This course may include professional reading, case analysis, discussion, lecture in synchronous and asynchronous online formats, and application of course content to school/district settings.

4. Goals and Objectives of the Course

Upon successful completion of course requirements, students will:
• Articulate the legal and ethical basis of their chosen profession.
• Follow and apply legal principles as they affect leadership of schools and organizations within their communities.
• Follow general principles of law, both criminal and civil, as they apply to the state/community in which they are employed or expect to be employed.
• Evaluate the potential moral, ethical, and legal consequences of decision making as it applies to their communities.
• Model principles of ethical behavior.

5. Assessment Measures

Students will be assessed with multiple instruments that may include, but are not limited to, online assessments of content knowledge, group projects, individual student writing, and a point of law paper.

6. Other Course Information

Successful completion of this course is required in partial fulfillment for Superintendent's licensure in Virginia.

Review and Approval

May 2017