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ENGL 414

ENGL 414
Topics in Literature

Catalog Entry

ENGL 414. Topics in Literature
Three hours lecture (3).

Prerequisites: CORE 101 and CORE 102.

Investigation of a literary topic of current or continuing interest not normally covered in regularly scheduled courses. Topic announced with each offering of the course.  Depending upon the topic, this course may be used to meet requirements for the minor in Appalachian Studies or Women's Studies.

Note(s): May be taken twice for credit under different topic titles.

Detailed Description of Content of Course

Each proposal for a new Topics in Literature course is accompanied by a detailed description of the contents for that particular course. That description includes the primary and secondary readings that will be the central features of the course. The description will also include the nature and purposes of writing assignments as well as the nature and purposes of any projects, performances or field experiences that will be a part of the course.


Detailed Description of Conduct of Course

Each proposal for a new Topics in Literature course is accompanied by a detailed description of how that particular course will be conducted. This description details the kinds of instruction students will receive: student—instructor interactions as well as participation, if any, by a person or persons other than the instructor and enrolled students.


Goals and Objectives of Course

Each proposal for a new Topics in Literature course is accompanied by a detailed description of the course’s goals and objectives.


Assessment Measures

Each proposal for a new Topics in Literature course is accompanied by a detailed description of how the students’ performances are to be evaluated.


Other Course Information

Specific topics for ENGL 414 do not replicate the content of established, regularly offered courses. Instead, they provide opportunities for students to study material not addressed in established courses.


Review and Approval

October, 2009