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ESHE 103

ESHE 103: Conditioning

Credit Hours: (1) Three hours lecture and laboratory

Develops basic understanding of the value of fitness. Various methods of training give student opportunity to improve level of physiological fitness.


Detailed Description of Content of Course

This course is designed to acquaint students with various methods of physical training to develop their level of physical fitness. Student will be acquainted with the benefits of fitness and the rationale for various training techniques such as jogging, cycling (stationary bike), rowing, lifting (free weights and universal), stretching, aerobic routines, etc. Brief lectures will explain exercise techniques, performance and safety precautions. Each students level of fitness will be evaluated and assessed.


Detailed Description of Conduct of Course

This course is primarily activity oriented with occasional lecture/discussion time. Students are expected to jog or cycle and lift weights each day to develop a higher level of fitness. Workouts are focused on a warm-up period, training period and a cool-down period.


Goals and Objectives of the Course

1. The student shall run/jog two to three miles at a reasonable pace to show an improved level of fitness.
2. The student shall lift weights with a high degree of efficiency and safety and demonstrate improved strength scores.
3. The student shall explain the benefits of fitness and training techniques.
4. The student shall monitor heart rate and explain the target heart rate concept.
5. The student shall demonstrate several warm-up and cool-down exercises that are safe and beneficial for the body.
6. The student shall demonstrate several stretching/flexibility exercises.


Assessment Measures

Evaluation techniques include a written exam worth 25% of the final grade. Fitness tests such as running for time/distance, lifting weights, stretching, etc. are given and account for about 50% of the grade. Attendance, attitude and effort count for the remaining 25% of the grade.


Other Course Information


Review and Approval
September 2002 Reviewed Jon Poole