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ESHE 305

I. Course Title: Principles and Practice of Strength and Conditioning

II. Course Number: ESHE 305

III. Credit Hours: 3 credits

IV. Prerequisites: BIOL 310

V. Course Description: This course is designed to develop the practical skills necessary to design strength and conditioning programs. Special emphasis is placed on the ability to evaluate exercise movements, prescribe appropriate exercise programs, and support program prescription with sound knowledge of anatomical and physiological adaptation to exercise.

VI. Detailed Description of Content of the Course:

This course is designed to develop the practical skills necessary to design strength and conditioning programs. Special emphasis is placed on the ability to evaluate exercise movements, prescribe appropriate exercise programs, and support program prescriptions with sound knowledge of anatomical and physiological adaptation to exercise.

VI. Detailed Description of Conduct of Course:

Students will define physiologic adaptations that occur from a variety of exercise programming. Additionally, students will determine client strengths and weaknesses based on a needs analysis and be able to determine and correct movement flaws for strength, power, endurance and flexibility. Students will select and plan exercise programs for a variety of client goals.

VII. Goals and Objectives of the Course:

  • Describe the physiological adaptions that occur from anaerobic and aerobic training. 
  • Perform a needs analysis for the development of an athletic strength and conditioning program.
  • Describe the importance of muscular balance and strengthening of the core for athletic performance. 
  • Recognize, teach, and critique exercises for the core, upper and lower body. 
  • Describe theories related to the development of muscular hypertrophy, strength, power, mobility, and cardiovascular development. 
  • Develop programs for a variety of health and fitness program objectives. 

VIII. Assessment Measures:

Assessment measures include but is not limited to: written and oral tests, reading and in class quizzes, and portfolio assignments.


Other Course Information: None


Review and Approval

September, 2009

April 13, 2012 Revised

March 01, 2021