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ESHE 306

ESHE 306: Theory and Practice of Cooperative Games and Activities

Prerequisite: ESHE 210

Credit Hours: (2) One hour lecture; two hours laboratory

Teacher candidates will design and implement developmentally appropriate physical education teaching practices for cooperative and adventure activities. Candidates will also develop motor skill competence in a variety of physical activities.


Detailed Description of Content of Course

Developmentally Appropriate Physical Education Teaching Practices
    °  Effective teaching of cooperative and adventure activities
National (NASPE) Standards for Lifetime Physical Activities
    °  K-12 curriculum offerings for cooperative and adventure
Virginia Department of Education K-12 Standards of Learning (SOLs) for Cooperative and Adventure Activities
    °  What Virginia students should know and be able to do after completing high school requirements
Teaching Cooperative and Adventure Activity in Elementary School Settings
    °  Focus on icebreakers, teamwork, and cooperation
        ▪ Learning names, positive assertions, talking nicely to teammates
Teaching Cooperative and Adventure Activities in Secondary School Settings
    °  Focusing on problem-solving, initiatives, and trust
        ▪ Appropriate spotting techniques, personal and social responsibility

Detailed Description of Conduct of Course

Instructional methods will focus on peer teaching class presentations in which participants serve as students in learning cooperative and adventure activities traditionally offered in K-12 physical education programs.

Goals and Objectives of the Course

Goals, objectives, and assignments in this class address National Association for Sport and Physical Education (NASPE)/National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE)  

  •  NASPE/NCATE Standard 1: Content Knowledge

Physical education teachers understand physical education content and disciplinary concepts related to the development of a physically educated person.

  • NASPE/NCATE Standard 2: Growth and Development

Physical education teachers understand how individuals learn and develop and can provide opportunities that support their physical, cognitive, social, and emotional development.

  • NASPE/NCATE Standard 6: Planning and Instruction

Physical education teachers plan and implement a variety of developmentally appropriate instructional strategies to develop physically educated individuals, based on state and national (NASPE K-12) standards.

Goals, objectives and assignments in this class address Virginia Department of Education Health and Physical Education (VDOE HPE) Licensure Standards, specifically:

VDOE HPE Standard 6.a.4: Understanding of the knowledge, skills, and processes for teaching physical education, including sequential pre k-12 instruction in a variety of movement forms that include cooperative activities.

The codes below refer to the above referenced NASPE/NCATE Standards and VDOE HPE Standards for beginning physical education teachers.

As a result of successfully completing this course, each teacher candidate will be able to:
●  Demonstrate competent motor skill performance in a variety of cooperative and adventure physical activities (NASPE/NCATE 1.2).

●  Define and describe performance concepts and strategies (e.g., fitness principles, game tactics, and skill improvement principles) related to skillful movement in cooperative and adventure physical activities (NASPE/NCATE 1.3).

●  Design and implement cooperative activity lessons that illustrate an understanding of the skills needed to teach the activity in a sequential and progressive manner (VDOE HPE 6.a.1).

●  Select appropriate teaching resources and curriculum materials to create a professional resource handbook that shares teaching tips, lesson plans, activity drills, task progression, lead-up games, playing strategies, key performance cues, terminology, history, rules, etiquette, safety, and potential benefits from participation in cooperative and adventure activities (NASPE/NCATE 6.7).

●  Demonstrate appropriate participation in activity clinics taught by peers such that motor skill performance in individual and dual physical activities is improved and leading to competent performance (NASPE/NCATE 1.2).


Assessment Measures

The students are specifically assessed on the following items:

•    Class presentations of peer teaching
•    Weekly written responses to quizzes, readings, and clinic activities
•    Creation of professional resources handbook.
•    Final exam

Other Course Information


Review and Approval
11/20/08          Course Revised and submitted                          Jon Poole
July, 2010