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ESHE 330

ESHE 330: Advanced Karate

Prerequisite: Permission of instructor

Credit Hours: (1-3) Three hours laboratory

Provides the standards for Kumite through the level of Black Belt.

Note(s): May be taken for a total of six semester hours of credit.


Detailed Description of Content of Course

This course is designed to address the needs of advanced students with specific attention to the techniques and procedures for kumite. It is intended that as the student repeats the class he/she will be introduced to varying levels of kumite appropriate to a specific martial arts rank. Specific skills of entry, defense, control, strategy, conditioning are included as the student concentrates on attributes and strategic performance. Repetition and time in grade are required prerequisites for advancement at the rate of one level per semester.


Detailed Description of Conduct of Course

Focus pad training, striking the air, imaginary sparring, partner stretching, role modeling, discussion, questioning, demonstrations, simulated experience, using video tapes, lectures and hands on experience prepares the student for advancement in karate.


Goals and Objectives of the Course

1. The student shall demonstrate knowledge of conditioning methods and safety procedures required to begin kumite.
2. The student shall demonstrate knowledge of rules and regulations governing the practice of kumite.
3. The student shall demonstrate knowledge of safety gear, its application and use.
4. The student shall demonstrate knowledge of basic and advanced kicking skills appropriate to each rank.
5. The student shall demonstrate knowledge of basic and advanced punching skills appropriate to each rank.
6. The student shall demonstrate knowledge of basic and advanced defensive skills appropriate to each rank.
7. The student shall demonstrate knowledge of basic and advanced grappling skills appropriate to each rank.
8. The student shall demonstrate knowledge of basic and advanced trapping/immobilization drills appropriate to each rank.
9. The student shall demonstrate knowledge of basic and advanced supplemental training drills appropriate to each rank.


Assessment Measures

Evaluation is based on required hours of training and three skills exams. Students may earn extra credit for missed classes by preparing a one page report on a martial art instructional video.


Other Course Information


Review and Approval
September 2002 Reviewed Jon Poole