ESHE 385
Teaching Physical Education for Inclusion
1. Catalog Entry
ESHE 385
Teaching Physical Education for Inclusion
Credit hours (3)
Prerequisites: ESHE 210
This course is designed to enable teacher candidates to plan, organize, and conduct physical education instruction for PK-12 students with disabilities in a movement-oriented setting. Course content includes current information on common impairments and disabilities including etiologies, characteristics, and implications for physical education programming for students who have been identified and receive special education services in a school setting under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. A special focus involves logging service hours with students with disabilities in the community and observing and teaching in inclusive settings in local schools.
2. Detailed Description of Course
1) Define Disability
a. Myths and misconceptions
b. Legal terminology
c. Current Statistics
2) Person-first language
3) Special Education Law
a. Vocational Rehabilitation Act
b. Education for All Handicapped Children Act
c. Americans with Disabilities Act
d. Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
4) Inclusion vs. Least Restrictive Environment
a. Similarities and differences
b. Advocate and opponent viewpoints
5) Individual Education Programs and 504 Accommodation Plans
a. Mandated components
b. Response to Interventions
c. The Child Study process
d. Direct vs. Related Services
6) Special Olympics vs. Paralympics
a. Compare and contrast
7) Intellectual Disabilities
a. Causes and incidence
b. Characteristics
c. Classification by I.Q. Level
d. Emphasis on Down Syndrom
8) Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
a. Characteristics
b. Misconceptions
c. Treatment Strategies
9) Pervasive Developmental Disorders
a. Autism Spectrum Disorder
b. Asperger’s Syndrome
c. Rett’s Syndrome
d. PDD-Not Otherwise Specified
10)Picture Exchange Communication System
a. Six phases of PECS
11) Equal opportunities for participation
a. GAO report to Congress
i. Physical education opportunities
ii.Extracurricular opportunities
12) Focus on Incidence
a. High-incidence disabilities
b. Low-incidence disabilities
13) ADA Accessible strength and conditioning facilities
a. Placement of Equipment
i. Access routes
ii. Turning space
iii.Transfer space
14) Assessment
a. Fitness Gram
b. Brockport Physical Fitness Test
15) Student Discipline and safety
a. GAO report to Congress
16) Adaptations for students with disabilities in physical activity settings.
3. Detailed Description of Conduct of Course
This course is designed to provide students with the opportunity to gain a new perspective on learning for the disabled child in a regular school setting. Students will be expected to demonstrate an understanding of the principles, procedures and accommodations impacting instruction as well as the planning and assessments that are a vital part of the inclusion process. Students will learn how to write effective IEPs and 540 Accommodation Plans.
4. Goals and Objectives of the Course
As a result of successfully completing this course, each teacher candidate will be
able to:
1) Define the term disability and inclusion using accepted legal terminology;
2) Use person-first language that replaces old and inaccurate descriptors associated
with individuals with disabilities;
3) Describe major legislation which has shaped special education and the rights
individuals with disabilities;
4) Describe the special education identification process;
5) Describe and develop an individualized education program and the 504
accommodations plan;
6) Identify common impairments and disabilities including etiologies, characteristics,
and implications for physical education programming;
7) Describe how to accommodate children with behavior disabilities, with a focus
positive behavioral support and functional behavior assessment;
8) Identify procedures for discipline and safety in schools to ensure fairness
students with and without disabilities;
9) Identify the steps in determining equal opportunity for participation in
extracurricular athletics for a student with a disability;
10)Demonstrate how to complete an assessment report for a student with a disability;
11)Demonstrate how to plan instructional, curricular, game, and behavioral
modifications for students with disabilities;
12)Demonstrate competence in specialized content knowledge of physical education
13)Apply content and programming knowledge to plan and implement
developmentally appropriate learning experiences aligned with local, state,
and national standards and grade-level outcomes through the effective use of
resources, accommodations and/or modifications, and technology to address the
diverse needs of all students (SHAPE/NASPE 3);
14)Plan for and manage resources to provide active, fair and equitable learning
experiences (SHAPE/NASPE 3);
15)Plan and adapt instruction for diverse student needs, adding specific
accommodations and/or modifications for student exceptionalities
16)Engage students in meaningful learning experiences through effective use of
pedagogical skills. Use communication, feedback, and instructional and
managerial skills to enhance student learning. (SHAPE/NASPE 4);
17)Demonstrate verbal and non-verbal communication skills that convey respect
sensitivity across all learning experiences (SHAPE/NASPE4);
18)Demonstrate communication in ways that show respect and consideration for
student, colleagues, and parents (PRAXIS 5857);
19)Demonstrate behaviors essential to becoming effective professionals. Value
exhibit professional ethics and practices; seek opportunities for continued
professionals (SHAPE/NASPE 6);
20)Promote the importance of physical education for developing physically literate
individuals (SHAPE/NASPE6);
21)Demonstrate an understanding of the knowledge, skills, and processes for teaching
physical education, including articulated, sequential, preK-12 instruction
in a
variety of movement forms. Developmentally appropriate movement skills and
activities that meet the needs of the diverse learner. Knowledge of human
development, and motor learning. Knowledge of the cognitive, social, and
emotional development through physical activity (VDOE HPE4);
22)Demonstrate understanding of and ability to design developmentally appropriate
instruction, and performance-based assessment that is aligned with the Virginia
Standards of Learning for Health and Physical Education. Use research-based
educational strategies to meet diverse learning styles and needs. Adapt and
create strategies best suited for delivering instruction in diverse settings
23)Identify and use appropriate assessment of individuals with disabilities
(PRAXIS 5857);
24)Identify referral procedures under the individuals with Disabilities Education
Act and Section 504 of the Vocational Rehabilitation Act.
5. Assessment Measures
Assessment measures may include, but are not limited to, one or more of the following:
1) Written narrative assignments
2) Quizzes
3) Mid-term exam
4) Final exam
5) Service hours
6) Responsible/cooperative behavior
6. Other Course Information
Review and Approval
July 2010
November 2008